With interest rates increasing day by day, it gets confusing to pick the best housing loan. Ideally, the loan with the least interest rate will be the most favourable for anyone. With high-interest rate rates, you will have to pay a higher interest amount. Keep reading to know if a home loan without interest exists or not. I'm sure my answer will help you out.
After long and tedious research, I realised that 0 interest home loan do not exist in reality. There is no bank or housing finance company that gives their customers loans with zero interest. Traditionally, lenders finance 75%-90% of the total property cost and the rest is borne by the customer.
Since you can’t get any 0 interest home loans India. I would recommend doing the next best thing which is comparing home loans offered by financial institutions and picking the one with the least interest rate. You should also look at other features while availing of a loan. like flexible tenure, affordable EMI, documentation, etc.
Before you dream about a home loan 0 interest rate. You should use the EMI calculator and have an idea about what loan tenure will suit you.
Find out how to get home loan at 0 interest ?
Since there is no 0 interest home loan in the traditional sense. You can get a home loan without interest by asking your family or friends for the loan. Just discuss the terms with them and make sure to mention important details like tenure. You can speak to retailers as well and ask if they are willing to provide 0 interest loans for homes.
This is all from my end on 0 interest home loans India.
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Find out how to get home loan at 0 interest ?
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