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guidance value in raja rajeshwari nagar

view 1244 Views


3 Year


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It is very easy to find guidance value in Bangalore online. You just have to visit the Kaveri Portal and enter a few details. I am going to guide you through each step.

  1. Visit the Kaveri Online Services official website at


  2. Now click on ‘know your property valuation’ after scrolling through

  3. You will find two options, basic search and advanced search. Go for the second option.

  4. Now enter district (Bengaluru Urban), registration district (Jayanagar), SRO Office (Rajarajeshwari Nagar), Area Name (road name), property usage type, total area and measurement unit.

  5. Click on ‘Display Valuation’

  6. You will find the guidance value for the details mentioned by you.

There it is. Go and find guidance value in Raja Rajeshwari Nagar.

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