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How can I apply for Patta Chitta online in Tamil Nadu?

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Best Answer

Patta and Chitta are two legal documents that have been merged into one in Tamil Nadu. Patta is a legal document issued in the name of the actual owner of the property by the Government of Tamil Nadu, whereas Chitta is a land revenue document maintained by the VMO (Village Administrative Officer) and Taluk office. A Chitta classifies the land into nanjai and punjai, i.e. Wetland and Dryland. Apart from these details, the document furnishes information such as the owner of the land, area, and size of the land. 

Before applying for Patta Chitta Online, you must be aware of the documents required for the application. Here is the list for your convenience:

  • Sale Deed (Original & Photocopy)

  • Property possession proof such as tax receipt, electricity bill, encumbrance certificate, etc.

Now, let’s see how to apply for patta chitta online;

Step 1: Visit the official website; Anytime Anywhere e-services, Government of Tamil Nadu.



Step 2: Click on ‘View

Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLR Extract and choose the district where your property is located.

Step 3: Add the details of the property like District, Taluk, Village, Ward and Block, Survey Number or Patta Number 

Step 4: After submitting the details, wait for the verification process

Step 5: Upon successful verification of your details, you’ll be issued a certificate from the Town Survey Land Register. This contains details like the type of construction on the property, the municipal door number, locality, type of land, survey number, etc.

You can check the patta chitta online status as well. It’s a simple 3 steps process.

  1. Login to Tamil Nadu e-district portal

  2. Enter ‘Application Id’ and ‘Captcha Values’

  3. Click on ‘Get Status’ and the status will be reflected on your screen.

    Hope this answer helped you.

Patta is a legal document issued by the Tamil Nadu government in the name of the actual owner of the property. While chitta is a land revenue document maintained by the Village Administrative Officer (VAO) and the Taluk office. You can find all the details of the property like ownership, area, size, .etc of the land in chitta. Applying for patta chitta online is quite simple. Here’s how you can apply for patta chitta online in Tamil Nadu: a. You’ll need to log on to the Tamil Nadu Patta Chitta website (available in both languages – English & Tamil) b. Now, you need to select the Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLR Extract and choose the district where your property is located. c. Add the details of the property like Taluk, Village, Ward and Block, Survey Number and Sub Division Number. d. Once you fill all the details, submit the details and wait for the verification. e. Upon successful verification of your details, you’ll be issued a certificate from the Town Survey Land Register. This contains details like the type of construction on the property, the municipal door number, locality, type of land, survey number etc.

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