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How can I avail the free plan?

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If you want to buy a property through the NoBroker app, you will receive 25 free owner contacts, and if you want to rent a property using the NoBroker app, you will receive 9 free owner contacts.

Looking to rent the property of your dreams ​​Explore NoBroker’s Tenant plans  Opt for seller plans from NoBroker Opt for NoBroker buyer plans for best property buying deals 

Follow these instructions to get the free owner contacts on NoBroker.

  • Get the NoBroker app for free from the App Store or Google Play.

  • Sign up using your phone number or email address. 

  • Please use the app to look for properties that meet your needs.

  • From the search results, you can get in touch with owners directly. Alternatively, you can select all the properties you want to shortlist by clicking the heart icon next to each one and then get in touch with the owners of each one individually.

  • Click on "Activities" in the sticky bottom, then click on "Shortlisted Listings" to view shortlisted properties on the NoBroker app.

  • When you click "Contact Owner" on your desired property, a pop-up will appear.

  • Once the pop-up has been closed, you will have the choice to choose the free plan.

If you are a tenant, you are allowed to use 9 connections for free, and if you wish to buy a home, you are allowed to use 25 contacts.

I hope this helps:)

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