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How can I Book an Appointment to Clean Marble Flooring?

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1 Year


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I availed of the cleaning service from NoBroker a few days back. I can share the complete guide to book your appointment. Here is how you can confirm your cleaning booking.

  1. Visit the

    Cleaning Page on the NoBroker website

  2. Then, scroll down and find a suitable cleaning service. You will find many options, such as full house, sofa, kitchen and bathroom cleaning. So, choose appropriately by clicking the ‘Add’ button. 

  3. You will be asked to make another selection. After doing so, click the ‘Proceed’ button. 

  4. Next, select the address, date and time slot for the visit.

  5. Lastly, you will be shown the payment summary and the option to make the payment via multiple online modes. 

This is how you can make your booking. I hope this helps.

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