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How can I Check My Mahanagar Gas Bill Online?

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0 2024-11-28T09:37:40+00:00

Let me tell you how to check Mahanagar Gas Bill, as I recently learned it from my sister. You can do it from their official website or through some apps like FreeCharge and NoBroker. She guided me through the process, and it’s easier than I thought. If you do it from the official website, you just need to login and provide the required information to get the bill. 

How to View Mahanagar Gas Bill?

My sister explained to me different ways to get the gas bill. Let me share how to check Mahanagar Gas Bill details from their official website first.

  1. Visit the

    Mahanagar Gas Customer Login


  2. You can login through your BP number/CA number, and password.

  3. Enter the captcha as given and click on ‘Login’

  4. Then, you can see an option ‘view your bill’.

  5. After that, you can get your bill.

This is one way to generate your bill. As mentioned in the answers above, you can also use the NoBroker app to view your bill and also pay the amount. The advantage of such apps is that you get some rewards and cashback as well. Whichever app or source you choose to get your bill, be sure you have your CA number with you, which is crucial to generate the bill. 

I hope this answer will help you get an idea on how to check Mahanagar Gas Bill. If you face any issues to generate your bill, you can contact the customer care of MGB. You can find the contact details on their website. 

Earn Exciting Rewards and Cashbacks by Paying Your Gas Bill via NoBroker App  Read more

Where is Consumer Number in Mahanagar Gas Bill?

0 2024-07-08T10:51:43+00:00

My parents switched   to Mahanagar Gas from another vendor recently. As we weren’t aware of the process of checking Mahanagar gas bills we asked our gas technician. He told me about the process of checking the bill through the official website. Before he hung up, I asked him about the process of Mahanagar gas bill view without login. 

How do I Check My MGL Bill Online?

The gas technician told me that he isn’t aware of any process through which I can view the bill without login. After that, I followed the steps that he had mentioned before to check my gas bill. 

  • I visited the

    Mumbai Customer Login page


  • Following that, I entered the BP No. and the password. 

  • After that, I entered the Captcha and clicked on Login, 

  • Now, I had to locate the View Your Bill option and click on it. 

After that, I was able to check the Mahanagar Gas bill. Though this is the official process of checking Mahanagar bills, I found it to be a bit hectic. 

I recently learned about checking my bills through the NoBroker app. The process is much easier and I get notified whenever a new bill gets generated. To know about the process of checking bills through the NoBroker app you can check the answer provided by Diya. Hope this helps. 

Pay Your Mahanagar Gas Bill through NoBroker App For Exciting Offers and Cashback Read More

How to Pay Gas Bill Online?

0 2024-03-01T08:53:49+00:00

Hi, I recently bought a flat in Mumbai and learned that my piped gas provider is Mahanagar Gas. I pay the bills on time every month but just wanted to know if there were any dues. However, I was not aware of the Mahanagar gas view bill online process. So, I asked a friend about it, and he told me to use NoBroker app for the same. 

How can I Check My Mahanagar Gas Bill Online?

My friend told me that he uses the NoBroker app to check Mahanagar's bill. Here is the process he told me about. 

  • He told me to download and open the NoBroker app. 

  • Following that, he told me to scroll down and locate the Utility Bill Payment option. 

  • Now, he asked me to tap on it and enter my mobile number to complete the registration process. 

  • After that, he told me to select the Board as Mahanagar Gas Limited and enter the CA number. 

  • Click on Get Bill. 

And that’s it. With that, I should be able to check the bill and also pay the bill from the same page if necessary. 

He informed me that after I do this, I will be notified by the app every time a new gas bill gets generated. That is you can complete the Mahanagar Gas view bill online. I hope this is helpful.

Earn Cashback By Paying Mahanagar Gas Bill Through NoBroker App Read More

How To Pay Mahanagar Gas Bill Online?

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