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How can I Check My MGVCL Electricity Bill?

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1 Answers

9 months


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I recently moved to Gujarat for work purposes. After spending a month here, I had to pay the electricity bill. From my landlord, I learned that my electricity provider is Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited (MGVCL). So, I asked him about the process of electricity bill check Gujarat MGVCL. He told me that using the NoBroker would be best for me as it's easy to use and hassle-free. 

What are the Steps for MGVCL Bill Check Gujarat?

My landlord told me about the steps that I can use to check the bill. 

  • He told me to download and open the NoBroker app. 

  • Then, click on the three lines on the top left corner. 

  • Following that, he told me to locate the NoBroker pay option and tap on it. 

  • Now, I had to choose Bill Payments. 

  • After that, he told me to tap on the Electricity option. 

  • Then, select the State as Gujarat and select the Board as MGVCL. 

  • After that, he asked me to enter the Consumer Number and tap on Get Bill. 

He said that if my bill has been generated, I should be able to check it. He also said that when a new bill gets generated every month, I will be notified by the app. Since that day, I have been using the NoBroker app for MGVCL electricity bill payment check Gujarat. 

And that’s about it. I hope this information about electricity bill check Gujarat MGVCL has been of help to you. 

Complete Your MGVCL Bill Payment through NoBroker and Earn Cashback Read More

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