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How can I check my Pattadar pass book online Telangana?

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5 2021-08-10T13:21:16+00:00
Best Answer
Pattadar is an important document if you own a land in Telangana. It is a record of landowner details issued by the Revenue Record Department. It is a small booklet which has a passport size photograph and thumb impression of the current land owner. Did you know? The new pattadar passbooks will also have digital signatures of the Tahsildars. Since you are asking if it is possible to check Telangana pattadar passbook details online, here is your answer in detail. How to get Pattadar passbook in Telangana? Although many of the processes have moved online, the case with a TS Pattadar passbook is slightly different. To apply for a pattadar passbook you will have to download the application form from the online portal and fill it offline. Once you fill the application form, you will have to visit the sub registrar’s office and complete the remaining formalities. The Tahsildar verifies the application and details shared and if everything goes well, the pattadar passbook is issued. You will get the pattadar passbook offline via courier. The process to get pattadar passbook will be within a timeline of 15 days to 90 days. Note: The Telangana pattadar passbook details online are currently not accessible. You will have to visit the SRO and get details from there. You can check out your nearest SRO by clicking on the link given https://registration.telangana.gov.in/knowYourSro.htm I hope this information was helpful :)
0 2023-08-28T06:59:31+00:00

The Passbook, also known as the Pattadar, is a document that contains all of the land's details. Many states have taken the decision to make their passbook available online. There is no requirement to go to the Deputy Tahsildar if you want to know how to check Pattadar passbook status Telangana. 

As everyone stated above, the Telangana State Government, via


provides online services for downloading the passbook. But, none of them mentioned the steps to check the passbook status. Scroll down to get the method to view the status within a minute.

How to track Pattadar passbook in Telangana?

In Telangana, tracking your Pattadar passbook online is a handy method to remain up to date on your land records and transactions. Let’s find out the easiest way to get the status updates:

It is a quick and easy approach to get hold of your land details from anywhere at any time. I hope you found this answer helpful.

Get your Pattadar details verified by NoBroker’s experienced lawyer. Read more -

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2 2022-11-20T20:03:50+00:00

Hey Pal,

Telangana is transitioning to digital. These days, it's simple to locate information about your land records online and download RoR-1B and the Pattadar Passbook. Dharani was created especially for services relating to land records. These internet services are accessible to all Telangana residents. Dharani was created especially for services relating to

pattadar passbook Telangana

land records. These internet services are accessible to all Telangana residents.

Avail NoBroker’s Legal Service to resolve land record issues

In Telangana State, all owners of agricultural land are provided with pattadar passbooks. The Patta Passbook has all the information on the land. The Pattaddar passbook was given to landowners by Telangana's Revenue department. It includes every   aspect of the

TS land passbook status

and its specifics, including;

Address and Name of the Landowner, Caste, Aadhar, Land Survey Number, Land Type Acreage, and Khata Number.

The Telangana government transitioned from multiple forms of land passbooks to this finished one single document. I was going through all the above-mentioned answers. However, I was immensely satisfied with Ankita’s answer where she mentioned all the steps that would assist anyone with their query,

how to know pattadar passbook number in Telangana. I followed all the steps that she mentioned to check the Patta passbook status online in Andhra Pradesh.

I would like to conclude my discussion here about the pattadar passbook Telangana. I hope this helps:)

Read More:

What is my land pattadar passbook number?  How to Check Pattadar Passbook Status Online?
3 2022-05-24T09:26:38+00:00

Patta passbook download is very easy. I just followed the steps as mentioned by Manjot ji and it was done. If you are still facing trouble, just download the Dharani- Telangana Land Records app and by providing the required details, you will be able to see all details. Pattadar Pass Book is nothing but the Title Deed which is a document where all the details of the land, owned by an individual is provided. These entries are based on the Record of Rights which is prepared as per the Record of Rights in Land Act in 1971. To know the land passbook status in Telangana, just visit


And by providing the pattadar passbook number, you can check all the details.

What is Pattadar in Telangana?

Pattadar, in respect of a land means a person whose name is recorded as pattadar in respect thereof in the Record of Rights and other Land accounts of the Government. 

Can we buy patta land in Telangana?

Patta can never be issued to individuals as it belongs to the government. So if anyone try to sell it to another person, it is illegal and can face serious issues in future.

How can I check patta pass book online in Andhra Pradesh?

To check the patta pass book, just 

  • Visit the official website of Meebhoomi or click on



  • Select Electronic passbook option

  • Provide details like: district, zone, village name, account number and mobile number

And you will be able to check the patta pass book.

How to get a New Digital Pattadar passbook in Telangana?

@RAM Even if you are an NRI, you can get a new digital pattadar passbook in Telangana easily. 



And submit an application stating the details and providing information on the site. You will get a link in your number and there you can get e-PPB.

Avail NoBroker Buyer Plans and buy legally verified property easily. 

These are some aspects that are related with patta and patta pass book and I hope you have been able to know how to do

land passbook status check.

Read More:

How To Check Land Registration Documents Online In Telangana?

Can I Get Home Loan For Patta Land?

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2 2022-03-30T17:12:33+00:00

Pattadar passbook is a document given to every agricultural landowner in Telangana State. It contains all the important details about land and landowner, such as landowner’s name, address, land area in acres, Khata number, land survey number, linked Aadhar, caste, and land type. Now, let me tell you how to obtain and how to check Pattadar Passbook status.

As far as I know, you can’t apply for a Pattadar passbook online. Check out the offline process:

Visit the Sub-registrar’s Office

First, you will have to visit the sub-registrar’s office and fill out an application form and submit it along with some required documents like ID proof, registered sale deed or gift deed, mortgage deed, etc.

Pattadar Passbook

After that, the sub-registrar will record purchase and sale details in the Pattadar passbook. He’ll also tell you about the Pattadar Passbook application status

Upload Details in Dharani

After that, your land details will be passed to the IT wing by the local Tahsildar. After this, the details will get uploaded to the website for easy access.

Receive Documents

The Pattadar passbook and relevant documents will be delivered to your address through courier.

Now let me tell you to download the Pattadar passbook and Pahani RoR-1B

Visit the official Dharani Portal

  • Tap on “Agriculture”

  • After that, tap on “Land Details Search”

  • Now you can get the required details using the “Pattadar Number” or Survey No./Sub-division No.

  • If you choose the “Survey No./Sub-division No.” option, you will have to enter the district, Mandal, village, and survey number. If you choose the “Pattadar Number”, you will have to enter the Passbook number.

  • Finally, tap on the “eye” symbol to download Pattadar passbook and ROR-1B.

Read more:

How to check pattadar passbook online status?

How can I download pattadar passbook in Telangana?

I hope now you know about the Pattadar passbook status.

3 2021-11-30T19:09:16+00:00
Hi Srivasu, I am an NRI, I have land in Telengana with old passbook issued in 2011. I understand that I will have to get new Digital Passbook. As an NRI I do not have Adhaar Card. How Can I change my old passbook to New Digital Pattadar Pass Book in Telangana, without Adhaar Card?

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