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How Can We Keep Our Surroundings Clean ?

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3 2023-11-15T18:59:22+00:00

While nobody enjoys cleaning, everyone loves to have a tidy home. For the benefit of our future generations, the environment along with your home must be kept clean. A few simple green living decisions can have a positive impact on your financial, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Moreover, I have shared

10 ways to keep the environment clean


1) Cut back on how often you use your electrical equipment.

2) Reduce your driving.

3) Minimise the use of your hardwood stove.

4) Cut back on the use of pesticides and chemicals. Alternatively, you can create your own floor cleaning solutions with baking soda, lemon, and distilled vinegar. 

5) Minimise the amount of harmful and contaminated goods you use at home.

6) Make an effort to properly dispose of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage.

7) Don’t make use of plastic straws when drinking.

8) Clean your clothes or kitchen countertops on a regular basis.

9) Get your bathroom cleaned once a week to stay in a healthy environment.

10) Wash the entire house, not just one area at a time.

Top Five Ways to Keep our Surrounding Clean

  • As Namra mentioned above, the most crucial aspect of effective waste management is the responsible disposal of domestic garbage and the recycling of common products like paper, glass, and plastic.

  • Cut down on power use by turning off appliances when not in use. Make use of energy-efficient lightbulbs or public transport if possible.

  • Have everything you need for cleaning in one portable spot, whether it be a caddy, bucket, or tote.

  • Vacuuming, mopping, and dusting the entire room will help to keep a tidy surrounding.

  • Clean counters and other areas, especially those that come into contact with your hands or face.

These are important and effective ways of keeping our surrounding clean.

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We teach kids at school how can we keep our surroundings clean. Dirty surroundings can lead to ill health and diseases. Being unclean in our homes impacts our mood as well. eg, if you see a clean place, your mood is better and motivated.n If you live in an unkept place, your mood will be sour. Take a look below to know more.

Keep your surroundings clean to live a germ free life.Check out NoBroker for  professional Deep Cleaning Service


How to keep surroundings clean ? Recycle :

There has been an initiative by the government where they pick up recyclable material from all the citizens. You should recycle your garbage by separating it according to the instructions of the municipality. 

Reuse :

Reusing plastic bags and minimising the use of plastic bags is an important method in how to keep our surroundings clean. Use paper bags, and jute bags instead of plastic bags. You should carry a jute bag with you to the market. All the plastic bags that are in your house already, repurpose them. 

Litter :

Littering leads to air pollution and water pollution. You should throw your garbage in designated garbage bins only. 

Trees :

You should plant trees in your surrounding area, it will make the environment greener. You can even get indoor plants for your house. 


You should decrease your energy consumption by using LED- power saver bulbs and utilising natural light. This will decrease your CO2 emissions. Switch off the lights and other switches when you aren’t using it.


This is all from my end on how can we keep our surroundings clean.

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