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How do bed bugs come?

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3 Year


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I used to think that bed bug infection is caused by filth but my mother told me that this is a common misconception. Bed bugs aren’t drawn to decay and they can survive in any environment, as long as they’ve access to their food source. So, you should know how do bed bugs come and why do bed bugs come if you want to prevent bed bug infection.

Why Do Bed Bugs Come

Bed bugs are small flat wingless blood-eating insects, so they hide near their food sources and wait until it’s safe to come out and feed. Let me tell you about the source of bed bugs:

  • Hotel rooms

  • Transports

  • Fire stations

  • Nursing homes

  • Schools

  • Theaters

  • Other people’s houses

  • Libraries

  • Your workplace

How Bed Bugs Come

Bed bugs are amazing “hitchhikers,” which allows them to travel long distances. They can even travel between rooms in multi-unit buildings, like hotels and apartment complexes. They can also come from used furniture or other infested areas. Plus, they latch onto linens, clothes, suitcases and can end up wherever these items are taken. This is how bed bug comes into your home.

How to Keep Bed Bugs from Coming Back
  • When you come to your home from a hotel, wash the clothes and put them in a hot dryer.

  • Inspect used and new furniture before you bring it inside. Look in tufts, seams, and under cushions.

  • Wash clothing, linens, curtains, and blankets in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting.

  • Vacuum your bed and surroundings regularly.

  • Use a scrub or stiff brush mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.

  • Get rid of clutter around the bed.

Avail NoBroker’s Pest Control Service and Keep Your Home Free from Bed Bugs! Related Answers: How to check for bed bugs? How to kill bed bugs? How to get rid of mice naturally? How to get rid of lizard permanently? How to get rid of ants forever?

I hope now you know why and how bed bugs come into your house and how to deal with them.

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