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How Do Electricians Rewire a House?

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While getting our house renovated, we realised that the old wiring was not only unsafe but was also using more electricity, hence raising the bill. We thus consulted with an electrician to know what will be the cost and was provided with a brief on how do electricians rewire a house. They start with inspecting the existing system, identifying outdated wiring, and planning new layouts for outlets, switches, and circuits. 

What is the Process of Rewiring a House?

Rewiring a house calls for expertise and a lot of effort. Here is a brief on it: 

  1. Electricians start by inspecting the house to identify old wiring, unsafe areas, and potential upgrades. They create a detailed plan, including where new outlets, switches, and circuits are needed.

  2. For safety, the electricians turn off the entire electrical system to avoid accidents during work.

  3. Then the electricians carefully remove outdated wires, often accessing them through walls, ceilings, and floors.

  4. Using the plan, they install modern, safer wiring that complies with current electrical codes. They run wires through conduits or drill holes in framing to keep them organised and protected.

  5. If the panel is outdated, they replace it with one that can handle the electrical demands of modern appliances and devices.

  6. New outlets, switches, and light fixtures are connected, tested, and secured in place.

  7. Finally, they test the system to ensure everything works perfectly, seal any openings, and clean up the workspace.

This is how rewiring is done. It\'s a tedious and expensive job and you better hire pro electricians to handle the task with 100% safety.

Hire NoBroker’s Professional Electricians to Enjoy Safe and Affordable House Rewiring 

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