Paying too many loans at a time with different interest rates can be confusing and expensive at the same time. To avoid this situation, you can opt for payday loan consolidation. Before telling you how do I consolidate my payday loans, let us understand what is payday loan consolidation.
Get home loans at the lowest interest rate and avoid hefty paperwork at NoBroker! What is payday consolidation loan?When you combine multiple loans into one personal loan and pay off your monthly instalments at a lower interest rate it is known as a payday consolidation loan. For
payday loan consolidation help
you need to apply for a personal loan from a credit union, online lender, or work. After getting the approval you will get the money and with it, you can pay off your payday loan to the lenders. But you need to pay monthly payments on your new personal loan and pay off the debt at a lower interest rate.
How to get payday loan relief?
- Add all your payday loan balances
The first step to consolidating the payday loan will be to add the current balances for all the payday loan debt. Personal loan amounts vary from bank to bank. You must opt for a personal loan that covers all your payday loans.
- Check out the best loans
Different banks offer different types of schemes to consolidate payday loans. So, you should opt for a personal loan which has lower interest rates so that you can pay off the debt with ease.
- Pre-qualify
The easiest way to compare loan offers is to prequalify. This is a short process that lets you check the loan amount, rate and term without damaging your credit score. Online lenders provide you with this option.
- Receive funds after applying for a loan
Getting a loan can be a hefty process. After choosing a lender you need to apply for a personal loan. You need to fill up the application form and submit the required documents for securing a personal loan. You need to submit information such as identity proof, employment and income proof to secure the loan. After the verification, your loan will be disbursed within a week.
- Pay off your lenders and start repaying your personal loan
After getting the money from your personal loan you can pay off your debts. You should always focus on paying off your debts rather than spending money elsewhere when you are consolidating your day loan. After this, you should pay your personal loan debt. If you fail to repay your loan for a period of 30 days your credit score will fall drastically.
I hope this answers your questions ‘how do I consolidate my payday loans?”
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How do I consolidate my payday loans?
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