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How do you take ownership of an abandoned house?

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"Finders, keepers; losers, weepers!” You must be familiar with the saying. Well, this is true in terms of abandoned property to some extent. If you want to know how to acquire abandoned property, then read below to know the answer.

How Do You Take Ownership of an Abandoned House

If the property is unclaimed, then it is the duty of a police officer to take charge of it and to furnish an inventory to the district magistrate. The police officer shall be guided as to the disposal of such property by orders as they shall receive from the district magistrate.

Let me also tell you about the adverse possession.

It means acquiring a property through unsolicited means. However, it is a common and accepted method in India. As per the adverse possession, if a person continues to occupy a property for twelve years, they are given the property ownership rights. In simple words, if a tenant continues to own a property for twelve years without any interruption from the owner, they become the owner of that property.

You are required to explore these terms to prove Adverse Possession:

  • The possession of the property should be uninterrupted for 12 years.

  • The possessor must occupy the property entirely through actual possession.

  • The possessor should be the sole owner of the property for 12 years and he must be able to prove it

  • The possession cannot be forced or without informing the owner or through their license.

Read more:

Can tenant claim adverse possession?

How to prove adverse possession in India?

What is adverse possession?

I hope now you know how to acquire abandoned property.

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