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How Long Does Acrylic Paint Last?

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5 months


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I recently found an old can of acrylic paint in my house while doing some cleaning. I wanted to know if it had gone bad. I asked my father when he had bought it, and he told me that this paint was bought around 5 years back when we got our house painted. The paint looked fine to me but I still wanted to know how long does acrylic paint last. Turns out that it can last for up to 15 years. But there are a few conditions that may impact the longevity of the paint.

How Long Will Acrylic Paint Last?

As I have mentioned, I learned that acrylic paint can last up to 2 – 15 years, depending on a few conditions, such as 

  • If the can of paint ever opened.

  • Whether the paint was sealed properly or not

  • The location where it was stored.  

  • The temperature of the place where it was stored

I also learned how to tell if the paint has gone bad. Here are a few points that can help in determining whether the paint is usable or not. 

  • If the paint appears to be Chunky, lumpy, or smelly. This could happen due to repeated freeze and thaw cycles. 

  • If the paint has a bad smell, then it indicates that there is bacterial growth in it and should not be used. 

Now, there could be a separation in the paint as well, but simply turning the can upside down a few times could solve this. I checked all of these for my paint, and it seemed good to me. I hope this answers your query on how long are acrylic paints good for. 

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