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How long does it take to paint a 3 BHK house?

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0 2024-08-07T23:35:25+00:00

Wondering how long does it take to paint a 3 bedroom house? I discovered that painting my three-bedroom house took about ten to fifteen days in total, though this can vary depending on a number of factors.

How Long Does it Take to Paint 3 Bedroom House? 

What I discovered from my experience is as follows:

  • First, surface preparation took a couple of days. This involved cleaning the walls, sanding, and applying primer. Proper preparation is essential for a smooth and durable finish.

  • Next, applying the paint itself was the bulk of the work. Each room required at least two coats of paint, and adequate drying time between coats. Using quick-drying paint helps speed things up, but oil-based paints take longer due to their extended drying times.

  • Another important factor was the size of rooms in the house. Naturally, covering larger areas takes longer.

  • Another significant element, the weather. While paint dries more slowly in high humidity, it dries faster when painted in warm, dry conditions.

From my painting experience, I’d like to say that the task was completed more quickly because I hired experienced painters rather than trying to do it myself. With their skills and equipment, the team could work efficiently and fast.

I hope this helps you understand how long to paint a 3 bedroom house.

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How Long Does It Take for Exterior Paint to Dry? 

4 2024-02-07T09:05:55+00:00

I recently took a service from NoBroker to paint my 3 BHK (Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen) flat. They completed the painting within 7 days. However, when I asked my painter initially how long does it take to paint 3 Bedroom house, he told me that the complexity of the project, room’s size, and the number of painters hired would determine the exact time. He also said that painting a three-bedroom flat usually takes five to seven days. 

You can also consult the professional painter at NoBroker to know how much time does it take to paint a 3 BHK.

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