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How Long Does Wallpaper Last?

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Hey, I can tell you how long does wallpaper lasts. When maintained well, wallpapers can last 15 years and even more. Wallpapers come with a high durability, let alone a few threats. We have a wallpaper in the living room wall which has been intact for the last 10 years and it still looks in good condition. Let me tell you more about the life of wallpapers.


How Long Does a Wallpaper Last?

The lifespan of wallpaper is around fifteen years. However, wallpapers are prone to peeling and tearing. Although their strong adhesion to the wall’s surface helps in increasing their life. It only takes moisture and a tear to ruin the whole wallpaper. So, it is important you keep the wallpaper away from moisture and protect it from wear and tears. This is the reason why kitchens and bathrooms aren’t considered to apply wallpapers.

Apart from this, the life of your wallpaper is dependent on the wall preparation done before the application. When proper steps are followed during the application process, it ensures your wallpaper stays in place.  Here are some things to follow when you apply wallpaper.

  1. Clean the surface well. 

  2. Fill any cracks or holes with filler or wall putty. 

  3. Sand the surface to smoothen it and remove bumps. 

  4. Clean the surface again to remove dust and other particles that may have appeared because of sanding.

Wallpaper’s life also depends on the kind of wallpaper you have. Pure vinyl-free papers need much more attention to maintain them. You can’t afford stains or marks on them. So, follow maintenance guidelines and you can expect your wallpaper to last a good decade or two. I hope you now know how long does a wallpaper lasts. 

Get Wallpapers Installed Via NoBroker’s Experts For Added Durability and Life! Some related information:

How much Wallpaper do I need for a 10x12 Room?


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