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How much does it Cost to Fill Gas in AC?

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Hi there, we have two ACs in our house and because we use the AC constantly in our house, the gas needs to be refilled quite often. We got the gas refilled in our living room’s AC last month. So, I can share the cost of AC gas filling here. The price I paid for gas filling was close to Rs. 2400. Let me tell you more about this below.

What is the Split AC Gas Refilling Price?

I am sharing the prices of gas filling in ACs in different cities listed on NoBroker. I took the service from them, so I am aware of the rates they have.

These are average rates but the final price you pay varies based on the tonnage of your AC, the company you pick for the service and the type of gas to be filled in your AC.

City AC gas top up charges


Rs. 2390


Rs. 2390


Rs. 2500


Rs. 2390

As far as the window AC gas filling charges are concerned, I am not aware of them right now. If anyone could help with the rates, it would be really helpful! 

This is all I have to say. I hope you now know the cost of gas filling in AC.

Get 6 Months of Warranty on AC Gas Refill Via NoBroker! Some related information:

What is the AC Gas Filling Cost for 1.5 Ton AC in India?

During the intense summer months, I enjoy nothing more than turning up my air conditioning at full speed. But this summer I noticed my AC had started huffing and puffing because of low gas. So, I enquired about

AC gas filling charges and learned that it may cost me around Rs. 2000-3500 based on the tonnage of my AC. 

My friend who had refilled his 2-ton AC through NoBroker, told me that he got it done at around Rs. 2300. So, I quickly checked the NoBroker website and found out that they have a uniform AC gas filling cost for all the tonnage of AC. Without wasting any time, I booked an AC gas refilling service from NoBroker.

Get the best AC services through NoBroker.

How Much AC Gas Filling Cost?

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of an AC gas refill depends on several factors, like:

  • Type of gas:

    Older ACs use R22, while newer models utilise R32. R32 is pricier due to environmental regulations.

  • AC size:

    A larger AC obviously holds more gas, translating to a higher refill cost.

  • Amount of gas leaked:

    The extent of the leak determines the amount of gas needed, impacting the bill.

  • Labour charges:

    Different service providers have varying charges for labour and expertise.

How Much Cost for Filling Gas in AC?

Here's an estimate to get you started:

  • For a 1-ton split AC, expect to pay between ₹2000-₹2500.

  • For a 1.5-ton split AC, the cost climbs to ₹2000-₹2900.

  • For a 2.5-ton split AC, the cost climbs to ₹2000-₹3000.

  • For a 3-ton split AC, the cost climbs to ₹2500-₹3500.

  • Larger ACs can see costs reaching ₹4000 or even higher.

However, as I mentioned, NoBroker has a uniform price for all kinds of AC tonnage. This is a great plus for those people like me, who have more than 1.5 ton AC.

I hope my answer was helpful to you in understanding

how much cost for gas filling in AC .

Read More: When to Refill Gas in Split AC?
1 2023-05-04T10:16:01+00:00

I never knew AC needed gas to be filled in in case it did not blow cold air until I got laughed at by my brother. Last year during the summer, I switched on my AC, and even after 4 hours, I felt the room was not that cold. I called my brother to come over and check what the problem was, and that is when I learned that I needed to get my AC gas refilled. I had no idea on how much does it cost to fill gas in AC so he asked me to check the price on NoBroker. Let me share the charges that other companies charge as well.

How much cost for AC gas filling?

I checked out a number of AC gas filling companies to compare the charges and let me share that NoBroker is the cheapest. Here is the list of companies and their prices-

Company  AC Gas Filling Price


Rs. 2329


Rs. 2399 to Rs. 2999

AC Care India

Rs. 2499


Rs. 2749

I will recommend NoBroker because, along with the gas filling, they will do

  • Complete inspection via thorough gas leak identification, leak fixing, and gas refill

  • 60 days warranty on gas charging

How much does AC gas last? 

The gas in an AC lasts for about 10 to 15 years, but that depends on its usage and care as well. 

How doIi know if my AC needs gas? 

The AC is unable to blow cold air

  • The AC is not working properly and making weird sounds 

  • The electricity bill is high

  • There is ice on refrigerant lines and more

This answer should be enough to give you an idea about how much does it cost to fill gas in AC.

Save you money on energy bills. Get your AC serviced by NoBroker

Read More:

When to Refill Gas in Split AC?

How to shift split AC?

Is stabilizer required for split AC?

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