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How much Does it Cost to Grout Tile?

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1 Year


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Hi, If you are trying to learn about the cost of grouting tiles, then I can help you with that. The grouting cost per sq ft depends on a few factors such as the area, type of grout used, and project complexity. I was looking for tile grouting last year and for that, I hired a painter. Upon asking the painter for the price, he shared a list with me which I have added below. 

What is the Tile Grouting Cost Per Square Foot?

The list shared by the painter had different types of tile grouting services. The painter also informed me that this price isn’t fixed and can change depending on the scope and location of the work. 

Types of Grouting Service

Approximate Cost of Grouting

Bathroom Tile Grout Service

10 per sq. ft. 

Tiles Grouting Service

15 per sq. ft. 

Epoxy Tile Grouting Service

22 per sq. ft. 

Tiles grouting

40 per sq. ft. 

Mosaic Tile Grouting Services

45 per sq. ft. 

I would suggest you check with multiple painters to know about the exact cost of grout per square metre or square feet. You can also check

NoBroker Painting Services

, my sister had taken their service a few weeks back. She mentioned that their prices were quite affordable. 

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How to Acid Wash Tiles?

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While getting my floor work done, the renovation expert told me that I should get epoxy grouting done. I was aware of what it was but wasn't aware of the price, so I asked him about the epoxy grouting price. Here is what he told me about it. 

What is the Epoxy Grouting Cost?

He told me that there are different rates of epoxy grouting and here are some of those. 

Epoxy Grouting Grouting Cost Per Sq Ft

Bathroom Epoxy Tile Grouting Waterproofing


Myk Sp 100 Epoxy Grouting Services


Epoxy Grouting Services


Epoxy Tile Grouting Service


Epoxy Tile Grouting Services in Bengaluru


Tiles Epoxy Grouting Service


That is all he told me about epoxy tile grouting cost per square foot. Following that, he told me about the process of grouting a tile. 

  • The first step was to prepare the tile for grout by cleaning it using a putty knife.

  • After that, he told me to choose a colour for the grout. Then he suggested me to pick a colour that compliments the colour of the tile. 

  • The next step was to mix the grout and apply it accordingly. 

  • Then he told me to sweep it diagonally across the tiles to remove the excess grout.

  • Following that, he asked me to take a damp sponge and wipe it.

  • When the grout had dried out, he told me to use a damp cloth to remove the haze.

  • After that, he told me to apply the sealer or use a caulk along baseboards and walls. 

And that’s all that he told me about epoxy grouting price and how to grout tiles. 

Enjoy Affordable Grouting Solutions for Your Tile Flooring with NoBroker Plumbing Services Read More

How to clean grout between floor tiles?

1 2023-09-13T10:14:04+00:00

In India, the grout cost per square foot varies depending on factors like location, tile type, and project size. For a small DIY project like a bathroom or kitchen backsplash, grout materials may cost around Rs. 500 to Rs. 2,000, while hiring a professional installer can add Rs. 20 to Rs. 50 per square foot. So let me share how much does it cost to grout tile in India on average.

What is the tile grout cost per square foot?


Tile grouting is the process of filling the gaps or spaces between tiles with a mixture called grout, which helps secure the tiles in place and creates a finished, uniform look. I availed of such a service early this year and learned about the cost of different types of tile grouting. Here is a list:

Type of tile grouting  Cost 

Tile Grout Epoxy Service

Rs. 40/ sq ft

Injection Grouting Services

Rs. 350/ sq ft

Epoxy injection Grouting Service for Strengthening

Rs. 180/ sq ft

Epoxy Tile Grouting Service

Rs. 2,000/ sq ft

Floor Epoxy Grouting Services

Rs. 750/ sq ft

RCC Epoxy Injection Grouting Service

Rs. 800/ sq ft

Epoxy Injection Grouting Service

Rs. 550/ sq ft

But always ask an expert about the cost. The grout cost varies from one place to another so it's better to be sure about the cost.

Get Precise and Professional Tile Grouting Done by NoBroker's Professional Plumbing Experts

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How to repair bathroom tile grout? What Color Grout to Use With White Tile? How to clean new tiles after grouting?  

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