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How Much Does Window Cleaning Cost?

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Hi Poorva, I am here to tell you how much is window cleaning costs in India. I took the cleaning service for the window and I can tell you that the cost ranges between Rs. 130 to 170. Although this is an average range, there are certain things you must know to understand the price of window cleaning.

How Much Does it Cost to Clean Windows?

Here in Bengaluru, the cost for the window cleaning I had to pay was Rs. 170. I live in a rented house here. However, when I took the same service for my house in Ahmedabad, it cost me Rs. 140. So, the location of your house is a factor which alters the cost.

Also, the condition of your window and its size also changes the price you’d have to pay as dirty and big windows are charged more.

This is all I know about how much does residential window cleaning cost. I hope you find this helpful.

Get Effective and Affordable Window Cleaning For Your House Via NoBroker! Some related information:

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0 2024-03-15T12:10:53+00:00
I think we can all agree that window cleaning is undeniably one of the hardest cleaning tasks. That is why I prefer to leave it to professional cleaners. I recently got my window cleaned via NoBroker and their window cleaning cost starts at just Rs. 139.

What are Window Cleaning Rates?

The charges for window cleaning can differ for different areas and also for different service providers.
  • NoBroker offers window cleaning clubbed with full house cleaning and kitchen cleaning.
  • They also offer window cleaning as a mini service specialised only for window cleaning which starts at Rs. 139.

What Factors Affect the Average Price for Window Cleaning?

As I said, the price for window cleaning can differ for different areas and also on some other factors like;
  • Cleaning type
  • Number of windows
  • Building type
  • Frequency of cleaning
  • Time
  • Experience
  • Location
Now that you know the rates for window cleaning, I will tell you how you can book a cleaning service through NoBroker website.
  1. Go to the Cleaning Service page on NoBroker.
  2. You can choose a specific ‘Window Cleaning’ service. The cost to clean windows inside and out starts at just Rs. 139.
  3. If you want to get your house or bathroom cleaned too, then you can choose your service between options, like full house cleaning and kitchen cleaning. Your windows can be cleaned when you choose any of these services too.
  4. Now, click ‘ADD’ on the particular cleaning service you want to book.
  5. After this, fill in the extra information and click the ‘Proceed’ button.
  6. Choose your address, date of service and time. Then, click on the ‘Proceed’ button.
  7. Check the summary and click the ‘Pay Now’ button.
  8. After you make the payment, a notification will be sent to you regarding the confirmation. This is how you can book window cleaning services online.
I hope this answer helps you understand the window cleaning cost. Read More: How to avail window cleaning service for home?

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