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How Much Electricity Does a Geyser Use Per Hour?

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10 2022-07-08T18:05:44+00:00
Best Answer

I don’t think there is anything I enjoy more than taking a hot shower after a long tiring day. However, I got worried about the electricity bills when my brother told me about the geyser electricity consumption. So, I did some research on how to calculate geyser electricity consumption. Here’s how to do it:

Generally, the geyser power rating is available from 500 W to 5000 W.

For instance: if the geyser power rating is 2000W, the geyser would consume 2 kWs per hour. Hence, it is suitable for a person to pick the geyser that suits the best of their daily consumption needs.

Hire NoBroker’s Electricians if You Want to Repair Your Geyser at the Best Prices!

How to calculate geyser power consumption: Simple Formula

Total Operating hours x Rated Capacity of the geyser = Total consumption E(kWh)

Let’s understand how to calculate geyser power consumption with the help of two examples:


Let’s say Amita has a  25-litre geyser, which consumes 2000W per hour (as per technical specifications) She generally uses it for three hours daily.

So, Total consumption = 2000 x 3= 6000 Wh = 6kWh per day

Here’s a detailed analysis:

Power Consumption of Geyser Total

2000 Wh = 2 kWh


6000 Wh = 6 kWh


180000 Wh = 180 kWh


2160000 Wh = 2160 kWh


Rahul purchased a 10-litre geyser that consumes 2 kW per hour, 48 kW per day, 1440 kW per month, and approximately 17520 kW per year. If you consider Rs. 3 as per unit rate, the total cost will be approximately Rs. 144 per day.

Here’s a detailed analysis:



Total Cost


2000 Wh = 2 kWh



48000 Wh = 48 kWh



1440000 Wh = 1440 kWh



17520000 Wh = 17520 kWh


Now you can calculate how much electricity does a geyser use per hour.

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How many litres geyser to buy for family of 4?

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I hope I cleared all your doubts regarding how to calculate geyser electricity consumption.

2 2023-10-13T14:08:08+00:00

Embarking on the quest for an energy-efficient home, I found myself in the realm of understanding how much geyser consume electricity. Having navigated through the nuances with some electricians and experts, I share my insights, hoping to shed light on this common household concern.

Understanding Geyser Electricity Consumption:

The electricity consumption of a geyser is a critical consideration, especially in regions where winters demand a frequent rendezvous with warm water. In my experience, deciphering the dynamics involves looking at factors such as the geyser's capacity, heating element, and usage pattern.

Geyser Wattage and Consumption:

To demystify the intricacies, let's delve into a table highlighting the common wattage and estimated consumption:

Geyser Capacity

Average Wattage

Approx. Geyser Consumption per Hour

10 Litres

1000 Watts

1 kWh

15 Litres

1500 Watts

1.5 kWh

25 Litres

2000 Watts

2 kWh

These figures are approximate, and the actual consumption can vary based on factors like insulation, thermostat efficiency, and water temperature.

Personal Tip for Optimizing Geyser Usage:

During my exploration, I learned that setting the thermostat at an optimum temperature and using timers for precise control significantly contribute to electric geyser consumption savings. Additionally, insulating the geyser and hot water pipes minimizes heat loss, making the appliance more efficient.

Pay your Electricity Bill on Time

Read More:

What Happens if Geyser is Left On?

Is 3 Litre Geyser Enough For Bathroom?

For me, a hot shower bath after a long day is a blessing. I always go back home to get a hot shower. But at the same time, the thought of huge power bills due to the electricity consumption of a geyser scares me sometimes. That is why I wanted to understand how many watts does a geyser use. 

While searching for an answer to my question, I landed on the NoBroker Forum where I not only found how much electricity does geyser consume but also the reason behind the electricity consumption of a geyser. 

Let me tell you what I know about it.

How much unit of electricity consumed by geyser?

The majority of geysers have ratings of 2000 W or 2 kW. The SI unit of power is the watt (W). 2000 W denotes a maximum hourly use of 2000 W.

Hence, if you use your geyser for 3 hours every day, the amount of energy used would be (2000 W x 3). By multiplying the previous result by 30, you may determine how much energy is used in a month (2000 x 3 x 30). Around 180 kW or 180000 will be the range.

If we take the per-unit cost of Rs (just an assumption). You would therefore pay (Power consumed in kWh x Per unit cost) = 6kW x 5 = Rs 30 for your daily electricity bill.

180 kW times 5 = Rs 900 would be the monthly bill.

Now you know

how much unit does geyser consume.

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I think in my home we use geyser in every season for bathing, cooking, and other domestic uses. Depending on its size, make, and model, a geyser's hourly geyser unit consumption in India might vary, however, the majority of geyser types require between 1,200 and 3,000 Watts per hour. If you wish to know the geyser electricity consumption you can use the geyser electricity consumption calculator, or keep reading to understand how you can do so on your own.

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Electric geyser electricity consumption

When determining how much electricity a geyser uses, size is the first thing to consider. The size of the geyser will determine how much electricity it uses. The geyser's power is a crucial component as well. Depending on the brand and model, geyser current consumption can range in wattage from 1,200 Watts to 3,000 Watts.

The kind of geyser and how much electricity it uses are also factors. Geysers come in two primary varieties: storage geysers and quick geysers. Compared to instant geysers, which heat water more quickly but use more electricity, storage geysers take longer to heat the water but use less electricity overall.

The geyser's thermostat setting has an impact on how much electricity it uses as well. The geyser will use more electricity if the thermostat is turned up higher. If the thermostat is set to a lower temperature, the same holds true.

Thirdly, how much water is utilised has an impact on how much electricity is used. The geyser will use more electricity if more water is consumed.

In India, geysers can use between 1,200 and 3,000 Watts of electricity per hour, depending on their size, make, model, type, thermostat setting, and water usage.

Your monthly electricity costs are significantly influenced by an electric geyser. It accounts for 40% of all household consumption, according to estimates.

Local variations are possible. I hope you found my response on geyser unit consumption useful.

Read More: How Much Time Geysers Take to Heat Water?  What Size Geyser Do I Need?

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