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How much Paint is Needed for 700 Square Feet?

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Hello. I am an interior designer by profession. Apart from handling the design aspect of work, I also look after the painting that entails in the project. One of the concerns of my clients is the paint requirement. So, I can spare some time and tell you how much paint is needed for 700 square feet. The paint requirement is directly linked to the coverage area of the paint you’re using. On average, a litre of paint gives 130 sq. ft. of wall coverage. Taking that into account, you’d need somewhere 5-6 litres of paint to cover 700 sq. ft. of area. 

Now, some factors come into play when you talk about the paint requirement. I am sharing those below to help you get a better idea.

Which Factors Affect Paint Requirement?

Here are some aspects you should consider when thinking about the paint you’ll need for a 700 sq. ft. space.

  1. Paint Type and Brand: The paint brand and the kind of paint you’re using impact the coverage area. You need to check the paint label to find the coverage it offers. More the coverage, less will be the paint needed.

  2. Wall Condition: If your wall is chipped, has holes or isn’t smooth, more paint will be needed to cover the imperfections. So, make sure your wall is smooth and even to use the least possible paint.

This is all from my end. I hope you can now assess how much paint do I need for 700 square feet.

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