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How Much Stone required for 1000 Sq Ft Roof?

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How much stone required for 1000 sq ft roof was something I had no idea about until I needed to get some work done on my house. When I decided to redo my roof, I called in a professional to guide me through the process. The first thing I asked him was exactly how much stone I’d need for a 1000 sq ft roof. He explained it in simple terms and walked me through what would work best for my specific project.

How Much Stone Required for 1000 Sq Ft Roof in India? 

The professional said that for the construction of the roof, I will require cement, sand, steel, and stone in the form of aggregate.

  • For a standard roof, the professional told me that I\'d need approximately 1 to 1.5 cubic ft of aggregate. This aggregate is composed of gravel, sand, and broken rock. 

  • He also suggested that the type of stone (whether it\'s crushed stone, gravel, or any other kind) would impact the quantity needed. 

In the end, I was glad I called him because he not only answered all my questions, but also made sure I had the right amount of material for the job.

Renovate Your Roof with Best Quality Materials Via NoBroker Home Renovation Solutions

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