When you get a credit card from the lender, it isn't activated beforehand for security reasons. Similarly, a renewed card needs to be activated again. This ensures all the customer data is stored in the bank’s server while giving them a chance to set their own security pin. I will answer how to activate renewed HDFC credit card now.
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How to activate renewed credit card HDFC?
You can activate your card from the HDFC app or the official bank website ( www.hdfcbank.com). The process for both is the same.
You will have to log in to the HDFC Net Banking Portal.
Then, enter your Customer ID and IPIN
On the homepage, select the Credit Cards tab
Click on the ‘Manage my Credit Card option.
Choose the Online(E-Commerce) Transactions option next.
Then, you will have to choose the credit card you want to activate
You will get to mention your registered mobile number
You will get an OTP on your phone.
Enter the last 4 digits of your renewed Credit Card
Finally, change the status of online transactions.
How to activate new HDFC credit card after expiry date?
Just add the Official WhatsApp number of HDFC Bank to your phone. The number is 7065970659 for those who don't know.
Just send a message ‘Manage my Credit Card’ to the number
Enter the corresponding number (2- for renewal )
Your card will be renewed.
This is all from my end on how to activate renewed HDFC credit card
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Hello, you can learn how to activate credit card HDFC bank by sending a WhatsApp text to the number provided by the bank. Apart from this, you can activate your card by visiting the MyCards page. To gain a better understanding of the process, read the stepwise method that I’v mentioned below.
How to Activate my HDFC Credit Card?
Here are the methods to activate your HDFC credit card.
With the help of MyCards:Visit the
MyCards page on the HDFC Bank website
Then, log in with your registered mobile number and verify it through OTP.
Link your credit card on the website.
Click the ‘Card Control’ option to enable credit card transactions.
Visit the
Whatsapp link to chat with HDFC Bank
Alternatively, you can WhatsApp ‘Manage My Credit Card’ on 7070022222 to enable your credit card.
As far as how to activate expired HDFC credit card is concerned, you can check Shrishti’s answer.
So, these are the two methods that you can use to activate your HDFC credit card from the comfort of your home. I hope this answer helps you learn how activate HDFC credit card.
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Last month, my younger sister received her brand new HDFC credit card in the mail. Excited to start using it, she eagerly opened the envelope, only to realize that the card was inactive. She decided to call HDFC Bank's customer care helpline. The friendly representative guided her how to activate HDFC credit card, asking for some verification details and providing step-by-step instructions. Let me explain the process to you.
HDFC credit card activate online process
To activate your HDFC credit card, you can follow these steps:
Activate credit card HDFC: Online Activation
Visit the HDFC Bank website and click on the "Credit Cards" tab.
Select the "Credit Card NetBanking" option.
Log in using your net banking credentials or register if you are a new user.
Click on the "Credit Cards" tab again and select "Credit Card ATM PIN."
Follow the instructions to generate an ATM PIN, which will activate your credit card.
HDFC renewal credit card activation: Phone Activation
Call HDFC Bank's customer care helpline number, which is mentioned on the back of your credit card or on the HDFC Bank website.
Provide the necessary details, such as your credit card number, date of birth, and other verification information as requested by the customer care executive.
Follow any additional instructions provided by the customer care executive to activate your credit card.
ATM Activation:
Visit any HDFC Bank ATM.
Insert your credit card and enter the PIN.
Select the "Services" option from the menu.
Choose the "Credit Card PIN Generation" option and follow the instructions to generate a PIN.
Your credit card will be activated once you have successfully generated the PIN.
So, now that you know how to activate inactive HDFC credit card, remember to keep your credit card details secure and never share them with anyone. Activation methods may vary, so it's always best to refer to the instructions provided by HDFC Bank or contact their customer care for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
I hope I was able to help you understand how to activate HDFC credit card.
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How to activate renewed HDFC credit card ?
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