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How to apply CGHS card for pensioners?

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The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) is a comprehensive healthcare program implemented by the Government of India. The CGHS offers a wide range of healthcare services, including outpatient care, specialist consultations, hospitalisation, diagnostic tests, and medicines. It covers various aspects of healthcare, from preventive and curative services to emergency care. As soon as I learned about how to apply for CGHS card for pensioners online, I applied for it. However, let me remind you that you cannot do it completely online. So learn how to apply CGHS card after retirement here in detail.

What is the process PF application for new CGHS card for pensioners?

You can get the application form for CGHS card for pensioners online from the

CGHS portal

, but you cannot upload the required documents. You have to submit the form and documents to the concerned department. I am from Kolkata, and that is what we did. Here is the form:

CGHS Application Form

. The documents you will need to furnish with this form are:

Copy of Aadhar card

  • Copy of pension book

  • Original Surrender Certificate of CGHS Card

  • Two passport-size photographs

  • Bharat Kosh transaction receipt

I hope this information was helpful. 

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How to register CGHS online?
3 2022-08-16T21:37:07+00:00

I admire this scheme very much. Because it is one of the first health insurance programmes the Indian government ever introduced and is still in operation today. It is the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS). The programme offers health insurance to Central Government employees and retirees. Let me tell you how to apply for CGHS card for pensioners.

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How to apply for CGHS card online?

  • You must submit an application form found on either www.cghs.gov.in or www.cghs.nic.in websites. This will help you with how to apply CGHS card for pensioners.

  • Additionally, the application form is accessible in the wellness centres run by CGHS.

  • On the main CGHS portal, you can fill out the application even if you're unable to submit the supporting papers online. Here is how to apply online for a CGHS card:

  • Complete the application with the appropriate information, and include images where indicated.

  • Online application form submission and photocopy are required.

  • Attach any supplementary files.

  • Make sure the division or department head has properly approved the documentation before giving it to the employee.

  • Send the documents to the Additional Director's office in Delhi or one of the other places where Additional Directors have offices.

  • The following procedure can be used to apply for a pensioner CGHS card:

  • Provide a bank draft and other required documents from the employee's department together with a request to the CGHS.

  • If the request was submitted 6 weeks prior to the time of retirement, the pensioner card will be given on the day of retirement and activated the following day.

  • This way you will know how to get CGHS card for pensioners.

What are the advantages of the CGHS scheme?

  • All registered individuals will get clinical services at authorised government and private hospitals.

  • Cashless services at listed medical facilities and testing facilities.

  • medical examinations performed at government-run or authorised diagnostic facilities.

  • professional treatments in government hospitals or polyclinics.

  • Outpatient care (OPD), including prescription costs.

  • Payment for emergency medical services received at public or private hospitals.

  • maternity costs, child medical services, and family healthcare costs.

Now you can apply for a CGHS card with this guide about how to apply for CGHS card.

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