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How to apply legal heir certificate?

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Legal heir certificate is an important document if you are the surviving member of the family. The certificate is a legal document that ascertains in official records that you hold the legal heirship rights to deceased assets. I learnt of all of this during the first wave of COVID when I lost my father. It was a horrific time. I didn’t have anyone to rely on and the pressure to complete the legal formalities was just overwhelming. Everything was shut down so it was practically impossible to get legal heirship certificate. I looked for ways on how to apply legal heir certificate online and finally got to know that the process to get it online began in 2015.

I am going to share with you the step by step process that I followed to make this struggle tad bit easier for you. Here is me answering some questions.

Can we apply legal heirship certificate online?

Yes, absolutely. I got to know that most of the states have made the online process functionable for the citizens.

How to apply for legal heirship certificate in Kerala?

I applied for legal heirship certificate online on Akshaya web portal. Here is what the process looked like:

  • I registered on the portal using my personal information by clicking on User Login tab

  • After registration I logged in using my credentials (mobile number and OTP)

  • Now that I was in the portal I went to ‘Apply for a certificate’ option.

  • I had the option choose certificate type and I choose legal heirship certificate

  • Next, I stated the purpose, and the department that asked for it

  • I uploaded the documents (Aadhaar card, death certificate of my father, ration card, affidavit)

  • I had to pay the fee for the certificate. After making the payment, I got an acknowledgement number to track the status.

I was able to access my legal heirship certificate within the next 30 days. This is how to apply legal heir certificate in Kerala.

Read more: What is legal heir certificate? How to get legal heirship certificate in Navi Mumbai How to apply varisu certificate in TamilNadu

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