For most of us, having a strong credit history is unavoidable. When it came time for me to buy an automobile, I completely understood this. A solid credit score may also be required when purchasing a home, renting an apartment, establishing new utility accounts, obtaining a cell phone, or conducting other financial operations. For many people, using credit cards is the initial step toward building a credit history. So it is quite important to know how to build credit score without credit card too. And I am going to tell you all of the ways I know about it.
Make use of credit cards to pay utility bills on NoBroker and get guaranteed Rewards and cashback. Take home loans via NoBroker at a rate of interest as low as 6.5% from leading banks of India.How to build a credit score without credit card?
Fortunately, obtaining and using revolving credit products accounts for only a minor amount of your credit score (credit cards). Consumers who are unable or unwilling to obtain a credit card might establish a credit history in other ways.
How to generate credit score?
- Keep Paying Old Bills
: Although an old student loan may seem like an albatross over your neck, years of on-time instalments and the account's age will help you improve your credit score. A good-standing account affects your credit score for ten years after it's paid off and terminated, so don't skip payments or pay late.
- Report Your Rent
: Reporting rental payments is a prudent decision for people with subprime or bad credit. According to an Experian study, adding rental history to consumers' thin credit files (those with insufficient data on which to construct a score) made them scorable. Many people went straight to the category of prime credit. Additionally, those with credit scores saw their ratings jump by an average of 29 points.
- Take a Loan
: Borrowing money and repaying it on time is one approach to demonstrate that you're a good credit risk. The majority of loans are recorded as instalment accounts, and credit bureaus want to know that you can manage one properly.
- Open a Store Credit Account
: Many stores allow you to open a credit account. The majority of them are recorded as revolving credit, just like a credit card. Home Depot provides project financing. Many regional local hardware stores also provide credit accounts, some of which can be obtained by paying a deposit in place of good credit.
- Check With Your Utility Company
: The bulk of utility companies only report negative information to credit bureaus, but you're in good condition if you pay your debts on time. Customers that pay their debts on time get the benefits of good financial management.
- Keep Your Job
: Although employment does not affect your credit score, it does appear on your credit report. Some creditors require a steady employment history before approving a credit application.
These are a few ways I know of
how to build credit score without credit card.
Read More: What is a Good Credit Score? How to Check Credit Score? How Much Credit Score is Good for Home Loan?Your Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
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How to Build Credit Score Without Credit Card?
Yasmeen Khan
1 Answers
2 Year
2022-06-16T09:18:21+00:00 2022-06-16T09:18:22+00:00Comment