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How to Calculate Brick Quantity?

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Brick is the most important aspect of house construction and to get an estimate of the price, I decided to know how to calculate brick quantity. If you are good at math, you might already know the formula. You will just need to multiply the length of the wall by the height to get the area first. Then just multiply the area by 60 to get the number of bricks required. This is the simple formula for how to calculate brick wall quantity.

How to Calculate Brick Quantity in Wall in Feet?

I can help you know how to calculate the brick quantity by citing an example.

Let's take for example, a wall is 16.4 feet long, 9.8 feet high, and 0.65 feet thick.

Now you will need to calculate the volume in cubic feet. Here is the formula to do it:

  • Multiply the length, height, and thickness to find the volume in cubic feet. In this example, 16.4 feet * 9.8 feet * 0.65 feet = 105.748 cubic feet.

  • Now the volume of one brick in cubic feet needs to be calculated. In our area, a standard brick is 0.6 * 0.3 * 0.3 feet, and its volume is 0.054 cubic feet.

  • To get the number of bricks, you will need to divide the total wall volume by the brick volume. So wall volume= 105.748 cubic feet/ per brick volume= 0.054 

So the total number of bricks required will be 105.748 cubic feet / 0.054 cubic feet = 1958 bricks

This is the proper calculation to find out the quantity of bricks required. But usually, it is believed that 10% of the bricks go to waste so it's better you buy more bricks than the number you get from this calculation.

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