I have a warehouse given on rent and that is why I am well aware of how to calculate property tax for commercial property. There is a simple formula to derive the tax amount and calculate property tax for commercial property. You can learn more about it here.
How is Commercial Property Tax Calculated?
The basic formula for calculating property tax is how is commercial property tax calculated where G or the Gross Unit Value is obtained by adding X, Y and Z. Here is what they mean:
X = the tenanted area of the property * 10 months * per sq ft rate
Y = the self-occupied area of the property *10 months *per sq ft rate
Z = the vehicle parking area * 10 months * per sq ft rate
I = depreciation amount
H = percentage of depreciation rate that is calculated based on the building’s age
I = (G*H)/100
Now this formula is for Bangalore. If you want to calculate the property tax in Delhi, here is the formula you need to use:
Property Tax = Annual Value * Tax Rate.
To get the annual value, use the formula:
Annual Value = Unit Area Rate per Square Metre * Age Factor * Structure Factor * Area of the Property * Occupancy Factor * Flat Factor * Use Factor.
These are some formulas you can use to get your answer on how commercial property tax is calculated. Several states have official websites where you can calculate the tax amount to use them as well.
Make Secure Property Tax Payments Online in Seconds Using NoBroker Bill Pay ServiceRead More:
How to Save Tax on a Commercial Property Sale?
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I have come across many queries related to commercial property tax, including ‘how to calculate commercial property tax?’ Commercial property tax is levied on any property that is used for business purposes/commercial reasons. Keep reading to know more.
Need help finding the right tenants? Check out NoBroker Owner plans and let experts help you How is commercial property tax calculated online?Generally, Commercial property tax is calculated by multiplying the taxable value of property with the Tax rate of the state.For example, if the taxable value of a commercial property is Rs. 1 crore, and the applicable tax rate is 2%, then the commercial property tax would be Rs. 2 lakhs. If you live in Bangalore, you can visit the official website of BBMP and virtually calculate commercial property tax. The steps are given below.
Open the BBMP website
2. Select the group, assessment year, category, sub group, zone, yera of sontcrution etc.
3. Click on submit
4. The tax amount will be displayed on the screen.
How are commercial property taxes calculated?
There is a formula to calculate commercial property tax in Bangalore . This formula is as follows –
Property Tax (K) = (G – I) x 20% + Cess @ 24% of the property tax calculated
Where, G = X + Y + Z
and I = G x H/100
In the formula, the values are described as follows –
G = Gross Unit Value which is equal to the aggregate of the following:
The tenanted property area x 10 months x rate per square feet
Self-occupied property area x 10 months x rate per square feet
Area for vehicle parking x 10 months x rate per square feet
I = amount of depreciation which is calculated by multiplying the Gross Unit Value with the percent of depreciation applicable on the property. The depreciation rate depends on the property’s age.
If you have any confusion on ‘how to calculate commercial property tax’, feel free to contact me.
Get help in understanding your property tax payment process by opting for NoBroker legal services. Read more: How to Lower Your Property Taxes Can I buy commercial property by selling a residential property? Can residential property be Used as Commercial?
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How to Calculate Commercial Property Tax?
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