You can estimate how to calculate EB bill by taking your own reading. There are three types of meters;
Dial (Analogue) Meter
Digital Meter
Smart Meter
If you are wondering how to calculate light bill from meter readings, I’d like to say that Kilowatt-hours (kWh) are the units used to measure electricity. A unit is equivalent to one kWh. Normally, your statement will include a cost per unit.
A dial meter often has five separate dials. Use the number that has just passed if the dial is between two numbers. Only read a number that the dial is directly over if the dial to its right has reached zero.
How to calculate electricity bill by meter reading?
Use the procedures below to calculate your electricity bill:
To calculate energy consumption, subtract the latest meter measurement from the reading of the preceding month.
Divide the number of units used by the per-unit fees for the relevant slabs (e.g., Rs. 4.22 for 1-100 units, Rs. 5.02 for 101-200 units).
Add the fixed charge and energy duty (for instance, a fixed fee of Rs. 40 and a unit fee of Rs. 0.15).
You can calculate your entire cost by adding the energy charges, fixed charges, and energy duty.
Example: The energy costs would be Rs. 1218 if you used 250 units at the applicable slabs indicated above. The total sum due once the fixed fee and energy duty are added is Rs. 1296.
To conclude my answer here about how to calculate EB bills, I’d like to say that there are several online electricity bill calculators. Also, please note that electricity bills in India might include additional fees and taxes in addition to energy prices based on the number of kilowatt-hours used.
These may include the electrical board's or other regulatory agencies' energy duty, surcharges, fixed fees, and other appropriate taxes. Depending on the applicable electrical board's policies and the individual rates and taxes, there can be variations.
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I had to calculate electricity bill from meter reading almost 3 months ago, as I noticed my electricity usage was higher than usual. I planned to do it myself instead of waiting for the bill to arrive. My friend came over to help me with the process, and I learned a lot by watching him work.
How to Calculate Current Bill from Meter Reading?
Here is the process.
He asked me to check the current and previous readings on the electricity meter. My previous reading was 1200 kWh, and the current reading was 1400 kWh.
He said to subtract the previous reading from the current reading. In my case, 1400 kWh - 1200 kWh = 200 kWh. This is the amount of energy used during the billing period.
The next step was to know the tariff rate. My buddy said the rate was Rs.6 per kWh for my area.
My friend explained we would then multiply the energy consumption by the tariff rate. So, 200 kWh x Rs.6 = Rs.1200.
That’s how much my energy usage would cost for the billing period.
If you’re in my area, you can easily download your BSES light bill online to check your readings and make sure the calculations match. I hope this helps you understand how to calculate bill from meter reading.
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How To Calculate Electricity Unit
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Your utility bill is impacted by each appliance and electronic device in your home. You can determine which appliances are costing you far more than they should. As a result, learning how to calculate meter readings is important.
How to calculate electricity bill from meter reading India?
You can use the following formula to calculate the electricity bill from the meter reading;
Unit Consumed = Current Month Unit( Kwh) – Previous Month Unit(Kwh)
Energy Charge (Ec)= Unit Consumed X Unit Rate
Fixed Charge (Fc)= Sanction Load X Fixed Charge Rate
Electricity Duty (Ed)= (Energy Charge + Fixed Charge)X Tax Rate/100
- Total Electricity Bill= Energy Charge+ Fixed Charge+ Electricity Duty
How to calculate submeter reading?
You must record the sub-meter current reading as the "starting point" and at the end of each month record another reading as the "endpoint"
To determine the "number of units consumed" throughout the month, first, subtract the starting point reading from the endpoint reading.
Once you have calculated the number of units consumed, check your electricity bill to find out the "Price per unit consumed."
To get the actual amount you must pay, multiply the "per unit cost" by the "number of units consumed."
There are sub meter reading calculator available on the Google play store. This sub-meter bill calculator is an app that determines the total unit usage of the sub-meter. Users can easily calculate up to 10 sub-meter bills (electricity or water).
I hope now you understood the process of how to calculate meter readings. This should help you:)
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Since childhood I have always seen people coming and with the help of a torch reads something from the electric meter box and notes something. I myself tried to know how much we are to give that month but it did not match ever. Once, when the bill came, I asked my father, what does the man write in his diary every time he comes? My father said that he checks the electricity meter reading units and notes it down in his diary and based on it, our bill comes.
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Why is the meter reading kwh?
Meter reading is given in kilowatt hours - kWh. 1 kWh = 1unit so the bill has the cost based on per unit. You can easily calculate what amount you are to pay from the meter reading unit yourself. Let me share with you an example that will help you to understand.
Say for example, your current month unit is 300 units and last month’s unit is 500 units
Unit Consumed = current month unit (kwh) - previous month unit (kwh)
= 500 - 300 = 200 monthly consumption
Note that slab range is different for different range of unit so the energy charge for 200 units is:
For 1 - 100 Units: 100*6.05= 605
For 101 - 200 Units: 100* 6.85 = 685
Total = 605+685= 1290.
Fixed charge for 2kw= 90* 2kw =Rs 180/month
Taxes and different based on different states
Suppose your state has 5% charge levied on electric bill
The government tax or electricity duty = (energy charge+fixed charge)* 5% = (1290+180)*(5/100) =Rs 73
Total bill therefore becomes 1290+180+73= Rs 1543 for one month
I hope this
electricity meter reading units and its calculation has helped you to know how to calculate your electricity bill.
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How to calculate water bill from meter reading?
How to calculate house water meter reading?
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Are you bugged with how to calculate electricity bill from meter reading? Let me explain this process to you. We can easily compute the electricity bill if we know the current and prior month's meter readings. When we talk about meter reading, two-part parameters come into play, and those factors are
the highest level of demand (kW)
These two items must be taken from the meter to calculate the power bill. We compute using the formula below.

An electric meter is an electronic device that monitors the usage of electricity within a distribution network. Utility sub-metering is a billing method that allows a landlord, property management company, condominium association, homeowners association, or other multi-tenant property to bill renters for individual utility usage. Individual water meters, gas meters, or electricity meters are used in this method.
Fundamentally the process will remain the same while calculating electricity bill from a meter or sub-meter reading, following the formula given below:
Unit Consumed = Previous Month Unit (KWH) – Current Month Unit (KWH)
Unit Consumed x Unit Rate = Energy Charge (EC)
Sanction Load x Fixed Charge Rate = Fixed Charge (FC).
Electricity Duty (ED)= (Energy Charge + Fixed Charge)x Tax Rate/100
Energy Charge: Assume that the current month's unit is 300 and the preceding month's unit is 500.
Current Month Unit(KWH) – Previous Month Unit(KWH) = 500 – 300 = 200 Unit Consumed (monthly consumption)
Because different rate slabs apply to different types of units, the energy charge for 200 units is as follows:
for 1-100 Units: 100×6.05= 605/-
for 101-200 Units: 100×6.85=685/-
Total = 605 + 685 = 1290 (It is the unit charge of 200 units for 30 days).
The fixed price is calculated based on your authorized load. The sanctioned load in our situation is 2kW. For instance, as per Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL), the fixed fee for residential connection is Rs. 90 per month.
As a result, the monthly fixed rate for 2kW is 90x 2kW= Rs. 180
Different states have different tax rates. In UP, for example, it is 5% of the energy charge.
So, the government tax known as electricity duty is equal to (Energy charge + Fixed charge) x 5% = (1290+180)x(5/100) = Rs. 73
For one month, the total electricity bill is 1290 + 180 + 73 Rs = Rs. 1543
I hope, I have answered your question about how to calculate electricity bill from meter reading.
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How to check electricity bill status online How to calculate electricity bill in IndiaYour Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
Last month, we got our electricity bill which amounted to Rs. 24000 just for one month in Delhi. All of us went crazy!! How could that be possible in a 1 BHK apartment where the house was occupied for 12-14 hours barely. We knew that the bill was faulty. So we tracked the reading to confirm our doubts. But there was one slight inconvenience, how to calculate electricity bill from meter reading was the real question. So we did our research. You want to know? Read carefully!
How to read electric meter and calculate?So we first had to figure out the electricity bill connection type, rate slabs and consumption. The first two pieces of information were there in the previous bill but then we had to check consumption.
Check the unit reading mentioned on the last bill (ours was 7786)
I looked at the meter and current reading was 7966
Therefore unit consumption was 7966-7786 = 180
Next we checked the energy charge, fixed charge, PPAC, government tax and government subsidy.
Here is what our electricity bill turned out to be:
Fixed charges: 3 x 50.00 x 1 = Rs. 150
Energy charges (0-200 units at Rs. 3/kwH): 180 x 3 = Rs. 540
All PPAC charges : Rs. 203.79 (we didn't really get it but it was similar across all our bills)
Surcharge: fixed x 8% = Rs. 12
Surcharge: energy x 8% = Rs. 43.2
Pension trust charge: fixed = Rs. 11.45
Pension trust charges: Energy = Rs. 42.5
Electricity tax at 5% = Rs. 13.8
Therefore, the electricity reading calculation amount was Rs. 1016.74
This is all you can learn from our experience about how to calculate electricity bill from meter reading.
Read more here What is fixed charges in electricity bill How to save electricity bill at home How to check previous electricity billYour Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
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How to Calculate Electricity Bill from Meter Reading?
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