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How To Calculate Electricity Unit?

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15 2024-01-31T07:49:13+00:00
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If you want to save money and contribute to the environment simultaneously, you must have a knowledge of how to calculate electric unit. This will benefit you in managing your energy usage for the remainder of your life. I always calculate my electric unit by following the below formula:

Unit Consumed =

Previous Month Unit (KWH) – Current Month Unit (KWH)

Read on to get the steps to find out the one unit of electricity.

How to Calculate One Unit of Electricity?

Understanding the energy consumption of the electrical load requires an understanding of one unit of electricity. The common unit of power or load is a watt (W). The rate of energy transfer over a time unit is measured in watts.

1kW = 1000 Watt

The steps listed below must be followed in order to compute one unit of electricity:

  • Determine the wattage of the appliance that you have utilised. Usually, the gadget itself will indicate the watts. 

  • Divide the value by 1000 after multiplying the power by the number of hours the device is used. This will provide you with one unit of electricity.

One unit of electricity is the amount of power consumed by a 1 kW load for one hour of operation.

1 unit electricity =

1kW x 1 hour = 1 kWh (kilowatt hour)

Moreover, charges vary depending on the unit in different states and power boards. You will need to get in touch with the local electrical board to find out the exact cost of one unit. For that, you must be aware of rate slabs, electricity bill connection type and total consumption.

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I hope you get an idea of how to calculate EB unit.

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0 2024-10-30T00:03:46+00:00

For the past two months, I have been receiving a higher-than-average electricity bill. To find out about the issue, I called the electricity department and asked them about the same. They said I had been consuming more power, and that is why it was high. As I wasn’t satisfied with that, I started researching how to calculate 1 unit of electricity. I came across a formula to calculate that which I added below. 

How Electricity Unit is Calculated?

As I mentioned above, I came across a formula to calculate 1 unit of electricity. You can check the formula below.

To calculate 1 unit of electricity, you need to multiply the power consumption by the time it was used, then divide by 1000. 

Energy (kWh) = Power (Watts) × Time (hours) / 1000.

This is how to calculate 1 unit electricity. Now, this process could be difficult, and I found using online calculators to be a better choice. Online calculators are easier to use, and they make the entire process seem effortless. 

To check if my electricity bill was correct or not, I used an online calculator. From the calculator, I learned that the power bill was correct, and I was indeed consuming more power. I hope this helps.

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How to Get Cashback on Electricity Bills?

6 2023-09-14T08:54:12+00:00

I observed that my electricity bills were quite high so I researched how to calculate current bill and got my answer. There is a simple formula that needs to be followed which is Units (kWh) = Power (kW) × Time (hours). You can learn how to calculate electricity unit in meter here:

How unit is calculated in electricity?

Electricity consumption is measured and billed in units, with 1 unit equivalent to 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh). To calculate units, follow this formula:

Units (kWh) = Power (kW) × Time (hours)

For example, if you have a 1,500-watt (1.5 kW) air conditioner running for 5 hours daily in a month:

Daily Units (kWh) = 1.5 kW × 5 hours = 7.5 kWh

Monthly Units = 7.5 kWh/day x 30 days = 225 kWh

Your electricity bill is based on these units. Rates vary across states and utilities but assume a rate of ₹5 per unit (₹5 per kWh):

Cost = 225 kWh × ₹5/kWh = ₹1,125

Your monthly electricity bill for the air conditioner would be ₹1,125.

This is how calculate unit of electricity.

Pay your electricity bills online through NoBroker and enjoy exciting rewards Read More: How to calculate electricity bill for tenants? How to calculate electricity bill in India? How to calculate electricity bill in Tamil Nadu? How to calculate electricity bill from meter reading?
4 2023-06-20T12:28:15+00:00

I used an electricity unit calculator available online, so you can also do the same, but I will suggest you know the formula and do it yourself. It is important to know your unit rate as well. If you know these things, you will be able to know the amount of electricity as well. So let me give you an idea about the current unit calculation. I have been following this method, and it is really useful. So learn about it here.

What is the watt to unit calculator or formula?

To calculate the electricity consumption in units, you need to know the power consumption in kilowatts (kW) and the duration of usage in hours. The formula to calculate electricity consumption in units is

Electricity Consumption (in units) = Power Consumption (in kW) x Time (in hours)

Example to illustrate the calculation:

Let's say you have a device with a power consumption of 1.5 kW, and use it for 5 hours a day. To calculate the electricity consumption in units, you would use the formula:

Electricity Consumption (in units) = 1.5 kW x 5 hours

Electricity Consumption (in units) = 7.5 units

Therefore, if you use the device for 5 hours a day, it would consume 7.5 units of electricity.

It's important to note that the unit of electricity consumption may vary in different regions. In some places, it might be measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) instead of units. If that's the case, you can directly use the power consumption in kilowatts and multiply it by the time in hours to get the consumption in kilowatt-hours.

You can also go for the electricity bill unit rate calculator available online to check the units precisely. I feel that was easier but yes, doing something manually seems to be more exact. 

So choose whether you will go for an electricity unit calculator online or do it manually

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0 2023-02-23T10:54:49+00:00

I am pretty sure every one of us must have been scolded at some point for using electrical appliances unnecessarily and for increasing the electricity bill. Once, my brother left his room while the fan was switched on, and my mother got very annoyed seeing it. She sat down and shared with both of us the electric unit formula. We are a middle-class family, and honestly, this waste of electricity does matter a lot to us. If you want to know how to calculate current unit or evaluate your bill, read this answer. The calculation is pretty simple, so I hope you will find it easy too. 

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How to calculate 1 unit of electricity?

1kWh = 1 unit

If a 1000-watt appliance is used for 10 hours, it consumes 10 units of electricity.

In short, one unit of electricity is the amount of power required to run a 1000-watt appliance for one hour. The calculation will differ based on what amount of electricity the appliance consumes and for how much time. 

How units are calculated in electricity?

Electricity is calculated in kWh and 1 unit= 1kWh

Suppose a consumer consumes 1000 watts per day.

So the total kWh the person is using per day is 1000*24 Hrs = 24000

For 30 days he/she is using 24000*30 = 720000 watts per hour


1 unit of electricity is 1kWh

720000 watts per hour = 720 units (720000 / 1000)


Now multiply the cost of per unit electricity with 720 units

If the per unit electricity cost is Rs 6, for 720 units it will be 720*6= 4320

So your electricity bill will be Rs. 4320.


I hope the electric unit formula is clear to you now.

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How to calculate electricity bill in India ?

how to calculate electricity bill in Tamil Nadu

How to calculate electricity bill from meter reading?

How to calculate electricity consumption in India?

2 2022-08-30T23:38:13+00:00

I remember it was the month of June when I received an electricity bill that was over my budget. Given how hot Indian summers are, I let it go. Next month, the same phenomenon was repeated. Then I started to wonder about the reason behind the large bill and how to calculate units of electricity. I will share with you everything that I learned.

You need to know the following details :

Current metre reading – You can see this metre reading from last month's bill = Total kWh used since the last reading.

Total kWh used since last reading x Charge per kWh = Total energy charge.

Total energy charge + Fixed monthly fees = Final bill.

Time for a maintenance check ? Get your appliances or meter checked out by contacting NoBroker Electrician Service Providers Pay your electricity bills and other utility bills online with NoBroker and get assured rewards How to calculate units in electricity bill?

Most appliances, big or small, have wattage written on them (either on their container box or somewhere on the appliance). Once you know the wattage, you need to think about how many hours a day you use it. 

Since one unit of electricity is equal to one kilowatt-hour. 

It is the amount of power required to use an appliance of 1000 watt power rating for an hour


The Electricity unit calculation formula I use is :

E = P x t … (Wh)

E = P x t ÷ 1000 … (kWh)

Consumed Energy = Energy Used in Watts x Time in Hours


  • E = Electrical Energy (Consumed in kWh)

  • P = Power in Watts

  • t = Time in hours per day

Daily Units = (Wattage x Usage hours per day) ÷ 1000

Monthly Units = Units x 30 (or 28,29,31 based on month)

If you want to know how to find the cost per unit. You should follow this formula :

(Total fixed costs + Total variable costs) / Total units produced.

There was a time when I was unable to figure out how to calculate units in electricity bill. I turned to Google to find an answer. I saw that many websites have a built-in calculator. You can Google and choose any one of those. 

This is all from my end on ‘

how to calculate units of electricity


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Do you want to know how to calculate electricity unit? For this, you will need to understand that it is measured in kWh (KiloWatt Hour), which equals 1000 watts consumed in one hour. A 2000W device would use 2000W in 1 hour, or 2 units (2000W * 1 hour). If you utilized it for 10 hours straight, the total energy output would be 2000*10 = 20000Wh = 20kWh, or 20 units.

How to calculate unit consumption?
  • Unit Consumed = Previous Month Unit (KWH) – Current Month Unit (KWH) (KWH)

  • Unit Consumed x Unit Rate = Energy Charge (EC).

  • Sanction Load x Fixed Charge Rate = Fixed Charge (FC).

  • Electricity Duty (ED)= (Energy Charge + Fixed Charge)x Tax Rate/100 

  • Energy Charge + Fixed Charge + Electricity Duty = Total Electricity Bill.

Using these above-mentioned formulas, You will get to know how to calculate unit of electricity consumption. 

A unit is measured in kWh, or Kilowatt Hour, as seen on power bills. This is the amount of power or energy that has been used. You expend 1 unit or 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) of electricity if you use 1000 Watts or 1 Kilowatt of power for 1 hour. 

As a result, the reading on the electricity meter reflects the real amount of electricity consumed. Similar to the odometer on your car, which displays the actual distance traveled, an electricity meter displays the quantity of electricity consumed. So, if a 100-watt bulb is left on for 10 hours, it will use the following amount of energy:

100 x 10 = 1000 Watt-Hour = 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) = 1 unit (on your meter).

How to calculate unit in electricity bill?
  • You'll need to find out how much energy each of your appliances and electronic devices uses in order to compute your electric bill.

  • Calculate the Cost of Energy for Each Appliance

  • Multiply the wattage of the gadget by the number of hours it is used per day.

  • Divide by 1000.

  • Multiply by your kWh rate.

I hope this answer clarified your doubt regarding how to calculate electricity unit?

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22 2022-02-17T17:49:14+00:00

Hi there,

At times, the electricity bill amount can turn our minds upside down! This has happened to me before since I knew I did not waste much electricity. So, I learned how to calculate electricity bills. Read the answer to the question provided below to understand the process.

How To Calculate Electricity Bill From Meter Reading?

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