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How to Calculate Gross Annual Value of House Property?

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0 2024-06-11T18:00:48+00:00

To know how to

calculate GAV of house property, you can check out the step-by-step guide


How to Calculate GAV in House Property?

The is gross annual value of house property formula is 

Gross Annual Value: Select the higher value between Expected Rent and Actual Rent Received.

The Reasonable Expected Rent (RER) is the higher of the following two values:

  1. Municipal Value: The value assigned by the municipal authorities for property tax purposes.

  2. Fair Rent: The rent of a similar property in the same or similar area would fetch.

If the property is let out, determine the actual rent received or receivable. This is the actual income you get from renting out the property.

If the property is let out for the entire year, GAV is the higher of the Reasonable Expected Rent and the actual rent received.

If the property is vacant for part of the year and the rent received or receivable is less than the Reasonable Expected Rent due to vacancy, then the actual rent received or receivable is taken as the GAV. If the property is self-occupied or not let out at all, the GAV is considered to be zero.

Example Calculation

Let’s break it down with an example:

Example 1: Let-Out Property

  • Municipal Value: Rs. 180,000 per annum

  • Fair Rent: Rs. 200,000 per annum

  • Actual Rent Received: Rs. 190,000 per annum

  • The property is not vacant during the year

Reasonable Expected Rent (RER): The higher of Municipal Value and Fair Rent, which is Rs. 200,000.

Gross Annual Value (GAV): The higher of RER and Actual Rent Received, which is Rs. 200,000.

Example 2: Let-Out Property with Vacancy

  • Municipal Value: Rs. 180,000 per annum

  • Fair Rent: Rs. 200,000 per annum

  • Actual Rent Received: Rs. 150,000 per annum (due to vacancy for 3 months)

  • Property is vacant for 3 months

Reasonable Expected Rent (RER): Rs. 200,000.

Gross Annual Value (GAV): Since the property was vacant for part of the year and the actual rent received is less than RER, the GAV is the Actual Rent Received, which is Rs. 150,000.

Example 3: Self-Occupied Property

Property is self-occupied for the whole year

Gross Annual Value (GAV): For a self-occupied property, GAV is considered to be zero.

This is

how to calculate GAV of house property.

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0 2023-08-08T10:12:24+00:00

The Gross Annual Value (GAV) of a house is the potential yearly rental income it could generate, excluding expenses and deductions, as used in property and income tax calculations. When I asked my husband to explain gross annual value of the house, this is what he said. GAV may differ from the actual rent received in cases where the property is rented out at a rate lower than its potential, as it is based on market rates and not the actual transaction. If you learn the gross annual value formula, you can calculate the value yourself. You can learn the formula here-

How is the calculation of GAV in house property?

The formula to calculate the Gross Annual Value (GAV) of a house or property may vary depending on the specific tax laws and regulations in different countries or regions. However, in general, the formula for calculating GAV is as follows:

Gross Annual Value = Highest of (Standard Rent, Fair Rent, Municipal Value, Actual Rent Received or Receivable)

  • Standard Rent: 

This is the potential rental income that the property can fetch if it is in a locality where the government has specified standard rent rates.

  • Fair Rent:

If the property is subject to rent control laws, the fair rent, as determined by the Rent Control Act, may be considered for calculating GAV.

  • Municipal Value: 

In some cases, the property's assessed value by the local municipality may be taken into account.

  • Actual Rent Received or Receivable: 

If the property is rented out, the actual rent received or the rent that can be expected to be received during the year should be considered.

This is how the computation of gross annual value is done.

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0 2022-03-28T19:12:02+00:00

Hi, Buddy,

The income received from real estate or immovable property is referred to as Gross Annual Value. Let me explain to you how to calculate Gross Annual Value of house property?

Rent from residential and commercial properties can be used to supplement income. Income from the property must be taxed, according to section 23 of the Income Tax Act. To determine the tax burden, the gross annual value of the house property must be calculated. In this answer, I'll go over the house's gross annual worth in great depth.

There are 3 conditions on the basis of which you can figure out how to calculate Gross Annual Value of house property?
  • Property that has been rented out during the preceding year:

The gross annual worth of a property that was rented out the previous year is presumed to be the higher of the following:

(a) Expected rent/Deemed rent

, which is calculated using the higher of the municipal value or the Fair Rental Value.


(b) Real rent received (or due)

, by the owner of a partially or fully rented property.

This means that the gross annual value is calculated using the actual rent collected. If the actual rent collected is less than the projected rent, the expected rent is used to calculate the gross annual value.

  • In a year, the property was partially rented and partially unoccupied


There are two situations that affect the real rent earned due to vacancy in cases where the dwelling property was partially let out and partly empty over the year.

Scenario 1: When the actual rent obtained or receivable, despite the vacancy, exceeds the predicted rent. In that situation, the gross yearly value is used to calculate actual rent because it is higher than the municipal valuation or fair rent.

Scenario 2: When the actual rent received or receivable is less than the expected rent because the property is vacant for a portion of the year. Actual rent paid or receivable will determine the property's gross annual value.

  • House property that was rented out for part of the year and used for personal use the balance of the year:

Because the house was only rented for a portion of the year and was occupied for the remainder, the gross annual value is equal to the rent that would have been obtained if the property had been rented for the entire year. The length of time spent on one's own is unimportant.

The higher of a) Expected rent by letting out the property for the entire year, i.e. higher of the municipal valuation or fair rent, or b) Actual rent received or receivable solely for the period it was rented out, determines the gross annual value.

The Net Annual Value (NAV) of a residential property is computed according to the Income Tax Act by subtracting the municipality taxes from the Gross Annual Value of the property. In other words, NAV = GAV minus the owner's municipal tax.

I hope this answer would help you with figuring out, how to calculate Gross Annual Value of house property.

Get legal assistance from the NoBroker legal service team to know more about your property’s gross annual value.

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