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How to Calculate PNG Bill?

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Best Answer
Gas consumption bills are typically sent out every 2 months. The first bill reflects actual gas usage as determined by metre reading. The next one is based on an assessment. After that, the process of charging for real reading and accessed reading is continued alternatively. This guide is all about the PNG gas bill calculator. Choose NoBroker to pay the gas bills and get rewarded with cashback. Opt for NoBroker kitchen cleaning service for deep cleaning of kitchen.

How to calculate PNG bill?

The rate increases as you consume additional gas. As of July 2016, there are 3 Slab Rates available. Slabs I, II, and III are each priced at Rs. 21.96, Rs. 26.01, and Rs. 33.36 per SCM. Slab III tariffs change from month to month (SCM - Standard Cubic Meter). The following process will guide you on how PNG bill is calculated. Slab I currently costs Rs. 21.96 per SCM, Slab II costs Rs. 26.01 per SCM, and Slab III costs Rs. 33.36 per SCM (as of July 19, 2016). Let’s take the example of the Mumbai-based consumer. The last reading on 19.07.2016 was 100, while the reading before that was 1. Gas usage over the 61-day billing cycle (19/05/2016 to 19/07/2016) (Daily average usage = (100-1) = 99 SCM: 99/61 = 1.62 SCMD   1) Slab-I Gas Usage (Up to 0.59 SCMD) for the 61-day billing cycle 0.59 x 61 = 35.99 SCM (Slab I consumption) 35.99 x 21.96 = Rs.790.34 is the billing cost (at Rs. 21.96/- SCM) (Slab I amount)   2) Slab-II Gas usage (between 0.60 SCMD and 1.49 SCMD) throughout a 61-day billing cycle. 0.89 x 61 = 54.29 SCM (Slab II consumption) Amount due (at SCM of 26.01 Rupees) 54.29 x 26.01 = Rs.1412.08 (Slab II amount)   3) Gas usage for Slab III (over 1.50 SCMD) for the 61-day billing cycle 0.13 x 61 = 7.93 SCM (Slab III consumption) Amount due (@ Rs. 33.36 SCM) 7.93 X 33.36 = Rs.264.54 (Slab III amount) Thus, the entire bill amount (free of fees, penalties, corrections, etc.) equals the sum of the amounts for Slabs I, II, and III. 790.34 + 1412.08 + 264.54 = Rs. 2466.96 This is all about the PNG gas bill calculator. Read More: How to calculate water bill from meter reading? How to calculate water bill in Delhi? How to calculate water bill in Bangalore? How to calculate electricity bill in India?

Hey there! I switched from an LPG gas cylinder to a PNG connection around 3 years ago. At first, I was curious about the rates and the billing process. So, I looked up a PNG bill calculator. I found a simple procedure to do the calculation which helped me keep my monthly expenses in check. Here is all the information you’re looking for.

What is PNG

PNG or Piped Natural Gas is a natural gas used as an alternative to cooking gas. It is mainly composed of Methane and is supplied to customers through mild steel and polyethylene pipes. The PNG is used in domestic households, commercial as well as for non-commercial purposes.

How to calculate PNG gas bill

The process for calculating the PNG gas bill is pretty straightforward if you ask me. As stated by Fedrick Dsouza, the PNG bill is generated every 60 days or 2 months. You are basically charged for the quantity consumed during this period. This quantity is measured in units. 

A meter must have been installed in your residence, which calculates the exact units of PNG consumed. You need to keep a check of its readings every 2 months to find out the consumed units. Here is the formula to find out the bill.

PNG gas bill = Units consumed multiplied by the rate of each unit in your city or area.

The price per unit differs from one place to another. So, find out the rate at your area and apply this formula to calculate the bill.

I hope this helps you to calculate your PNG bill.

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