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How to calculate short term capital gain?

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The profit that an investor gets after selling a capital asset is known as a capital gain. Capital gains are of 2 types – short-term and long-term. Short-term assets are held for less than 36 months while long-term capital assets are those held for 36 months or more. Let me tell you how to calculate short term capital gain.

Short Term Capital Gains Calculator Table
Particulars Amount

Sale value of an asset


Minus: Expenses incurred in the course of transfer of the assets (such as brokerage, commissions, etc.)


Net Sale


Minus: The purchase price of an asset (cost of asset acquisition)


Minus: Expenses incurred to improve the purchased asset (Cost of asset improvement)


Total short term capital gain



Do you know how much is short term capital gains tax? Let me tell you that short-term capital gains are taxable at 15%. If you find it difficult to calculate the short-term capital gains, then worry not. There are several short term capital gains tax calculators available online, which you can use for the calculation. I prefer Money Control’s calculator because it’s simple and easy to use.

Money Control’s Calculator

Read more:

How to avoid capital gains tax in India?

How to save long term capital gain tax?

How to save capital gain tax on sale of land?

I hope you like my answer on how to calculate short term capital gains tax.

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