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How to Change Mobile Number in Electricity Bill Online?

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7 2022-02-11T21:08:48+00:00
Best Answer

Hi there,

You can easily change the mobile number in the electricity bill at your fingertips. No need to go to the office and change your mobile number there. You can sit inside your home and learn how to change mobile number in electricity bill online. I am sure you have created your user ID and registered your account on your electricity board website. If you have already done that then you can update the mobile number in the electricity bill in a few minutes. No need to submit any documents to change mobile number in electricity bill .

How can I change my mobile number in electricity bill?


update mobile number in electricity bill, you will have to perform the following steps:

  • Go to your electricity board's website.

  • Fill in your account details.

  • Go to your account and change your mobile number.

  • You will need to verify your phone number after you receive an OTP.

  • After the confirmation, your phone number will be changed.

You can also call your electricity customer care office. They will help you change the mobile number on your electricity bill. You will be able to find the customer care of your electricity board in your electric bill or you can search the number online by typing the name of the electricity board on Google.

I hope you understand how to change mobile number in electricity bill online.

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2 2023-09-12T08:37:35+00:00

Mobile recharge packs’ prices have really increased a lot so I decided to deactivate my other number but I realised my electricity bill is registered with it. I decided to get it changed and looked for an answer to how to register mobile number in electricity bill online. I planned to visit the CESC board office and get it done by this online method was super easy and saved a lot of my time. 

How to change mobile no in electricity bill?

If you want to change your electricity bill number online, you need to visit your electricity board website online and get it done. Since I have a CESC connection let me cite it as an example:

You can also write an application for change mobile number in electricity bill and submit it to the electricity board office. There is no as such particular format to write it so just mention

  • To whom you are sending the letter

  • Their address

  • Subject

  • Body (stating your name, meter number, your reason for update or other relevant details)

  • Your name

  • Contact number 

  • Address and that's it

Just keep in mind that it is a formal letter and write accordingly.

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3 2023-06-14T20:54:12+00:00

Updating your mobile number/ email is necessary for getting alerts on bill information and power outages from KSEB. The KSEB mobile number change is possible by visiting the official website of KSEB.

What is the process of KSEB bill mobile number change?

Follow the below-given KSEB mobile number update steps; 

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  • Visit the

    KSEB official website

    for the KSEB phone number change

  • Click on the “Register mobile/ email” link on the home page

  • Enter your 13-digit consumer number

  • Enter the valid bill number of the last 6 months

  • Enter the CAPTCHA

  • Click on the validate button

  • After this, enter your mobile number/ email ID

  • Click on the submit button

Let me know if you face any issues regarding your KSEB mobile number change.

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10 2023-03-31T17:50:45+00:00

I got a new phone and had to get a new mobile number. This meant I had to change my  registered mobile number on all websites. From food delivery apps to electric bill mobile number change.The process for changing number is easy on most websites. Keep reading to know more.

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How to change mobile number in best electricity bill?

  1. You will need to visit the official website of BSES at



  2. Then, look for the "Customer Login" section on the home page and click on it.

  3. Enter your User ID and password to log in to your account. If you haven't registered yet, you will need to create an account first.

  4. Once you're logged in, go to the "My Account" section and select "Update Mobile Number".

  5. Enter your new mobile number in the field provided 

  6. Click on "Submit" 

  7. You will receive an OTP (One-Time Password) on your new mobile number for  electricity mobile number change 

  8. Enter the OTP in the field provided and click on "Submit".

This is how to conduct electricity bill me mobile number change in the BSES database.

If you face any issues during the process or have any questions, you can contact the BSES customer care centre for assistance.It is recommended that contact information should be kept up to date to ensure that you receive timely updates and notifications regarding your electricity bill.

This is all from my end on electric bill mobile number change.

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Hey Pal,

Recently, my phone got stolen, hence, I had to apply for a new SIM from a new operator. Getting a new SIM does not end your problem. I was haunted for a very long time about updating my mobile number in all documents, one of them being the electricity bill. As I was under the assumption that the process is lengthy and tiresome. However, my friend Avinash, who was an employee of UPPCL

(Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited)

, helped me a lot in explaining the process of

how to update mobile number in electricity bill online.

Pay your utility bills online and use NoBroker to earn surprising cashback and rewards! Avail yourself with electrician services to get your appliances checked through NoBroker.

I can help you with the process that I adopted for electricity bill mobile number change;

  • Visit the official website of the UPPCL.

  • To log in using your credentials, click "Login" (or, if you haven't registered at the UPPCL portal, click "Register" and finish the registration process).

  • Click "Update Mobile Number" after logging into the portal.

  • You will be taken to a new page where you must enter your "Account Number" and "Bill Number" (alternatively, you can input the "SBM" (Spot Billing Machine) Bill Number, which you can produce via the link provided on the same page).

  • To continue with the process, click "Continue."

  • Now insert both your old and new cell phone numbers.

  • Confirm your new mobile number and click on ‘Submit’.

  • Your phone number will change.

To request a mobile number change in electricity bill, you can also try contacting your power board via their support or contact email address.

Visit the office of the electricity board to update your mobile number on your electricity bill. For many boards, the procedure for

how to change mobile number on electricity bill

could be different. You can get in touch with the authorities, express your worries, and request their assistance.

You might be required to submit certain paperwork, such as your most recent bill, IDs, etc., as well as fill out an application. Before going to the board office, it is preferable to attempt updating the cellphone number on the electricity bill online since this can be a little less hassle than doing so online.

I hope this answer helps you with your query, how to update mobile number in electricity bill online.

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