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How to Change Name in Electricity Bill Online Tamil Nadu?

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21 2021-09-14T18:57:53+00:00
Best Answer
There can be cases when you might need to change the name on the electricity bill, such as when the previous homeowner dies and house ownership transfers to their children or when you move to a new home. Let’s read about the TNEB name transfer online process. TNEB Name Change Procedure:
  1. Due to death
  2. Due To Settlement/Partition/Sale/Gift without Consent Letter
  3. Due To Settlement/Partition/Sale/Gift with Consent Letter
  • After choosing the category, you will be required to attach the filled and signed the required documents
  • If you select the Owner type as Joint property, then you’ll be required to attach the "Consent Letter from Co-owner in Form-5 which is not mandatory.
Document Required for TNEB Online Name Transfer:
  1. Due To Death
Property Tax Form-4 UNDERTAKING (https://nsc.tnebltd.gov.in/nsconline/form4.pdf) Form-3 INDEMNITY BOND (https://nsc.tnebltd.gov.in/nsconline/form3.pdf)
  1. Due To Settlement/Partition/Sale/Gift without Consent Letter
Form-4 UNDERTAKING (https://nsc.tnebltd.gov.in/nsconline/form4.pdf) Property Tax / Any 1 document (Court Judgment / Ownership issued by the Government / Computer Patta / Allotment letter / Gift settlement / Partition deed / Sale Deed)
  1. Due To Settlement/Partition/Sale/Gift with Consent Letter
Form-4 UNDERTAKING (https://nsc.tnebltd.gov.in/nsconline/form4.pdf) Form-2 Name Transfer Forms (https://nsc.tnebltd.gov.in/nsconline/form2.pdf) I hope now you know how to do name transfer in TNEB online. 😊
1 2024-03-27T20:14:12+00:00

The first thing I did after buying my new home in Tamil Nadu was to get an electrical connection in my name. So, I asked my neighbour how to change name in TNEB online. He advised me to submit my name change application directly through the official TNEB website. I have included a detailed process below for your reference.

Tamil Nadu EB Name Transfer Online Process

In Tamil Nadu, changing your name on your bill is an easy process that you may complete in person or online. I have gone through the responses above and followed Parvinder's instructions, but the link wasn't working at the time. I thus attempted the following process to quickly have my name changed:

  • I first visited



  • Then, I scrolled my cursor on “Apply” tab.

  • There, I clicked on “Name Transfer” button.

  • Following that, I mentioned my mobile number and email ID. 

  • I then generated OTP and mentioned the same in the required field.

  • I logged in to my account and there I filled out all the required fields.

  • Finally, I uploaded all the necessary documents like Aadhaar card, address proof and so on to submit my application successfully.

Alternatively, you can submit your filled name transfer form and supporting documentation at the TNEB office that is closest to you. You will get an email or SMS from TNEB confirming the approval of the name change. I hope you get an idea of Tamil Nadu EB name change process.

Get name changed on electricity bill easily through experts at NoBroker. Read more -

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1 2023-09-15T08:59:37+00:00

The most crucial thing to do when purchasing a new flat in a society or standalone building, according to my previous owner, is to get the name on the electricity bill updated to your name. This is important since your name on electricity bill will serve as your new address proof document. However, I had no idea how to transfer name in TNEB. I asked my former owner about the procedure, and he informed me of the offline process. I have mentioned the same method below.

How can I transfer my name in TNEB online?

Let’s check out the offline process that I followed to transfer the name to EB:

  • I went to a nearby electricity board office and asked for an application form (in some circumstances, you might have to pay a small charge for the form).

  • Then, I submitted the properly completed application form and supporting documentation to the office.

  • The officials then checked the documents along with the application form that I submitted. 

  • Then, I paid the fee. You can 

  • After internal processing of the application, a technician came to my address.

  • Once the technician reached my address and verified the information, the electricity bill moved to my name.

Later, the technician informed me that you can get your name transferred online by following the methods mentioned at


. You can also follow the method mentioned by Jenny above. I hope you got an idea of how to change EB name transfer online TamilNadu.

Pay your TNEB electricity bills and get cashback via NoBroker. Hire NoBroker experienced electricians to get your electricity-related issues fixed. Read more -

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2 2023-06-26T09:14:17+00:00

The entire procedure regarding TNEB name transfer online in electricity bill is already described in detail. Like me, you can easily change your name if you just follow the steps outlined above. As I was completely unaware of the name transfer fees, my process took a little longer than expected. So, I researched the cost of changing my name online on my electricity bill and found the exact charges. I have shared the charges with you below.

TNEB Name Correction Online Charges

Name Change Category Charges

Low Tension Service or LT SCs (Legal Succession, Sale of Property, Lease rental, etc.) 

Rs 600 per service

LT SCs (Hut)

Rs 50 per service

HT Services

Rs 6000 per service

Wind Mill and Solar

Rs 2,00,000 per service

Wind Mill and Solar Name Change

Rs 10,000 per service

I hope you also got a clear idea of TNEB name spelling correction online charges. If you have any queries related to the same, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

Pay all your bills and get assured cashback via NoBroker Utility Payment Service! Read More -

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2 2023-06-23T16:59:11+00:00

In Tamil Nadu, changing your name on your electricity bill online is a quick and easy process that only requires a few steps. I have gone through multiple responses on Tamil Nadu Electricity Board or TNEB name transfer online procedure. All of them have been explained very nicely. Moreover, I have mentioned the easiest steps below that I followed for my name transfer last week.

TNEB Name Transfer Procedure

Go through the latest process to get your name transferred online below:

  1. Visit



  2. Select “Online Services” from the homepage.

  3. Click on Online Application-LT New Service Connection.

  4. Select Apply and click on the Name Transfer button.

  5. Insert your registered mobile number and email id.

  6. Click on Generate OTP and mention the same in the provided space to get it validated.

  7. Now, follow steps 4 to 9 as mentioned by Sambit to get EB name correction online Tamilnadu.

I hope you got an idea regarding how to change name in electricity bill online Tamilnadu. It will take 7 working days to view the changes.

Can someone help with how much charges are required to pay for name transfer? Pay your TNEB electricity bills with ease via NoBroker! Hire NoBroker experienced electricians to fix your electricity-related issues at a low price! Read More -

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How to transfer electricity bill name?


How to change name in electricity bill online in Bangalore?

1 2023-05-24T09:30:23+00:00

I too wanted to do the TNEB online name change but I was too confused with the types of processes. You will have to download the form as per the requirements, for example, whether you want to do the name transfer for the death of a person or due to the sale of a property/partition/property change, or more. The more I searched for TANGEDCO name transfer online, the more confused I got until I came across Parvinder's answer. Thanks for such a detailed answer. I will suggest you go through it first. But let me also simply outline the steps for you all here.

How can I change my name in TNEB online?

Visit the


  • The applicant must provide their consumer number 

  • Click on Name Transfer

  • Provide Mobile number and email id to get the OTP

  • Select the reason for the name transfer-

  1. Due To Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift with Consent Letter

  2. Due To Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift without Consent Letter

  3. Due To Death

  • Upload the filled form with signature

  • If it is a joint property, upload the consent letter from the co-owner in Form 5

This is the process you need to follow. To get an idea about the form, you can download the requirement 

So these are the basic steps to do the EB name transfer online Tamilnadu. Just select your reason correctly before proceeding with the name change. I hope the process is clear to you now. This is the TANGEDCO name transfer process I am aware of. 

Pay your bill on time and get rewards using NoBroker’s Bill payment service 

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There can be different reasons to change the name on the electricity bill. Names can be changed due to partition, death of the owner, sale of property etc. For this reason, separate types of documents need to be submitted and filled. Let me share with you the TNEB name change online process.

  Pay your utility bills through NoBroker and save your cash 

How to name transfer TNEB?

  1. Visit the TANGEDCO website.

  2. Go to the Apply option.

  3. Click on name transfer.

  4. Enter your mobile number and application ID.

  5. Fill in your consumer number and region code.

  6. Mention the reason of your name transfer:

  1. Due To Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift with Consent Letter

  2. Due To Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift without Consent Letter

  3. Due To Death

  1. After selecting the category, upload the filled and signed application form.


Documents to be filled and submitted for Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift with Consent Letter

Documents to be filled and submitted for Sale/Partition/Settlement/Gift without Consent Letter:

Documents to be filled and submitted for name transfer due to death:

Along with this you will need to submit Property Tax / Any one document ( Sale Deed / Partition deed / Gift settlement / Allotment letter / Computer Patta / Ownership issued by the Govt. / Court Judgement ) for TNEB name change online.

A TNEB name transfer fees can be charged. This was all about the TNEB name change online.

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ctricity bill online Tamil Nadu?

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Hi Ritesh Were you an owner or tenant?   Also when I go online the requirements are very simple and straightforward.  The requirements you have mentioned are too elaborate.  I live in Coimbatore, TN, and I see that if I can upload my Property Tax Receipt, that is all they need to do the name transfer along with application form.
2 2022-04-29T19:03:08+00:00

Hi Harshit,

The need for changing names in the electricity bill can arise for anybody and at any time. So, it is crucial for everyone to know the process of name change in electricity bills. I was in dire need of knowing this process just a few months back when I had moved to a new house in Tamil Nadu from Bengaluru. I was diving through the internet to understand the process and the

TNEB name change charges when I came across the answer by Miss Parvinder on the NoBroker forum. 

Miss Parvinder has explained all the steps on how to change name in TNEB online very precisely. I followed the steps mentioned by her and I could get my name changed on the electricity bill quite swiftly. But I would like to give a clearer picture of the documents that are required for TNEB name correction online as I got a little confused about them while proceeding with the steps for myself.

Following are the documents that are required along with the application form to proceed smoothly with the name change process.

  • Consumer Number/CA Number/Account Number etc. as mentioned on any of your previous electricity bills.

  • Original and a copy of your last electricity bill.

  • An attested copy of your rental agreement or sale deed in order to prove your ownership of the property.

  • A copy of

    house tax receipt of the property

  • An indemnity bond on a stamp paper

  • NOC offered by the previous owner of the property

  • Attested copies of address proof and ID proof

  • Aadhaar Card

TNEB name change charges can be different for different states. It can take up to 7 days to get the name changed in your electricity bill. Since I had some confusion regarding the documents, my process took a little longer. So, make sure that you have all the required documents and follow all the steps carefully as mentioned by Miss Parvinder.

I hope I was able to help you out.

Pay your electricity bill online at the comfort of your home via NoBroker and earn guaranteed REWARDS. Read More: How to Transfer Electricity Bill Name? How do I get my Name Corrected on Electricity Bill?

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