Your credit score shows potential lenders how responsible you have been with credit in the past. It tells them whether you are a risky borrower or a reliable one. A credit score is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 900. If you don't know how to check credit score for free, then worry not. I am sharing the link of a very useful tool that I also use to check my credit score:
Go to the link mentioned below:
Free credit score checking tool!
Fill in your first name as well as your last name
Enter your e-mail id and mobile no.
For verification purposes, an OTP will be sent to your mobile no.
After that, verify your age
Finally, you will see your credit score and your report on the screen
Now, let’s take a quick look at the credit score range that bureaus and lenders consider while evaluating your credit application:
Score | Rating |
Above 800 |
Excellent |
761 to 800 |
Good |
701 to 760 |
Fair |
601 to 700 |
Low |
300 to 600 |
Very Low |
I want you to remember that your credit score reflects your creditworthiness. A score nearer to 900 is considered an excellent score. So, if your score is near 900, there are great chances that lenders will easily approve your loan application.
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How to check credit score for free?
Mansi Verma
1 Answers
3 Year
2021-08-13T10:31:50+00:00 2021-08-13T18:27:11+00:00Comment