You must have seen the expiry date on your cards. Have you ever thought about why there is an expiry date on the cards? I will tell you. An expiry date is provided by the banks or other financial institutions to let the users of the card know the date till when they can use the card. The reason why these cards expire is that with regular use, the cards go through wear and tear and eventually need to be replaced. New technology also needs to be updated with time in the cards, so that frauds are reduced by adding extra layers of security.
I have an HDFC credit card, so I can tell you how to check HDFC credit card expiry date online.
You can easily find the details of the expiry date on your credit card printed on the card. There are other details printed on the card, like the 16-digit credit card number, issue year, expiry date, and name of the cardholder.
You can find the expiry date printed below the 16-digit credit card number.
Credit Card Expiration Month and Date
If the expiry date printed on the credit card is '06/22', then this means that the card will be expiring in the year 2022 in the month of June.
And since the exact date is not mentioned, it means that the card can be used till the last day of the month. This means that the card can be used till 30th June 2022. The card will be invalid from 1st July 2022.
Usually, banks send new or renewed cards to the customers themselves.
Now you know how to check HDFC credit card expiry date online.
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Every time you shop online, you must have seen that you need to mention your credit card expiry date. Unless you enter the right details, you won't be able to complete the transaction. I will share with you how to check HDFC credit card expiry date online and offline below.
Calculate your estimated home loan EMI here Get stress-free home loan with minimum documentation through NoBroker How to check credit card expiry date online? Online:You can check all credit card details by logging into your net banking portal/app or website. If you have an HDFC credit card, you will need to download the HDFC net banking app.
You will need to log in with your id and security id.
On the homepage, click on the ‘credit card option
Select the card whose details you wish to search.
Details of your card, including the expiry date, unpaid dues, and due date will be given there.
You can check credit card expiry date offline by looking at the face of the card. The date is usually printed with four digits separated by a slash. Eg, 05/25 or 09/28. This means the card will expire in May 2025. Other important credit card-related information like a 16-digit credit card number, name of the holder, and issue year is also seen there.
This is all from my end on how to check HDFC credit card expiry date online.
Read more :
What is depository charges in HDFC bank?
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How to check HDFC credit card expiry date online?
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