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How to check LP number in Andhra Pradesh?

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4 2022-09-16T09:06:37+00:00
Best Answer
I have gone through numerous websites that have details about LP number search. There are different authorities in the country that issue paperwork related to property. A few of the most common documents are encumbrance certificates, RERA registration, patta etc. I would recommend you conduct your due diligence and check the documents in their entirety before purchasing immovable property. If you are buying a property in Andhra Pradesh, you need to know the LP number as well. We know that builders need to get approvals and permissions from the Urban Planning Department of the specific state. In Telangana, a layout permission number is assigned to properties that are safe for construction. This number is given by the local town planning authorities. LP number is an assurance that you are buying a property that has been legally approved. The authority in charge of layout approvals in Andhra Pradesh is the Directorate of Town and Country Planning and the Amaravati Metropolitan Region Development Authority How to check LP number online? Method 1 : The link for which is: MEE BHOOMI::Homehttp://meebhoomi.ap.gov.in Meebomi contains digital land records that hold information about plots, and properties. Citizens can check land records, tenancy, crop details, water source, soil type, area assessment, nature of possession of the land, and liabilities. Method 2 : Another method to conduct LP number search is by checking the website of DTCP. All the sites that have been granted online layout approval are mentioned. I would recommend, that you check for your name in the Online Layout Approvals - DTCP  List. You can conduct a manual search as well. You will need to input TP/LP No, Year, District, Mandal, Village, Surveyno and ULB/GP This is all from my end on LP number search. If you want help with legal processes including the scrutiny of technical documents, Check out NoBroker Legal Services. Opt for NoBroker buyer plans before investing to find affordable yet safe deals. Read more : How to Check Land Registration in Andhra Pradesh? How to get old land records in Andhra Pradesh? How to know my ward number in Andhra Pradesh? How to pay vacant land tax online in Andhra Pradesh?    
3 2021-10-26T18:07:57+00:00

LP Number is basically Layout Permission Number. It is issued by the town planning authorities post inspection of the site and layout to ensure safe development of real estate in the area. The builders and developers have to obtain permissions and for that they submit application with town planning authority. The authority assigns LP number. Now if you wish to know how to check LP number in Andhra Pradesh, you are at the right spot. I will share the step by step process with you below:

  • Visit the official website of DTCP -


  • Click on Approved Layout option

  • You will find the complete list of approved layouts along with the TP No./ LP No., Year, File number, Region name, district, mandal, villages, survey number, etc.

  • You can check out the plan by clicking on the files given alongside these details.

To narrow down the search you can enter the details such as:

  • Year

  • District

  • Mandal

  • Village

  • Survey number

  • ULB/GP

I hope you have the answer to how to check LP number in Andhra Pradesh is resolved now.

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