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How to Check Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana Beneficiaries List?

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In order to make LPG accessible to economically underprivileged households in India, the government of India created the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) in 2016. The program's primary goal was to distribute 8 crore LPG memberships to qualified recipients. The scheme has already contributed to a 62% increase in LPG-using homes. A provision has been established in the Budget 2021–2022 to distribute an additional 1 crore LPG. I would also assist you with the steps to obtain the PMUY beneficiary list.

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I discovered that the beneficiary list for each state and district is available on the individual LPG gas distributor website;

  • Visit the official website of the

My Bharatgas

It is the webpage where you can check to see if your name is on the PMUY beneficiary list

  • You just need to select the state where you reside.

  • Also, add the district

  • There will be a distorted sequence of letters or a captcha text appearing just below the state and district button, you need to enter the exact captcha text and select submit

This will ultimately land you on a page where you will find the beneficiary list of that particular state and district.

To check your Ujjwala Yojana beneficiary list, call the Ujjwal Helpline at 1800-266-6696 or the toll-free number at 1800-233-3555. You can locate the PMUY list with the aid of a client executive.

I would like to conclude here about the PMUY beneficiary list. I hope this helps:)

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