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How to Check Professional Tax Paid?

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Wondering how to check PT payment status? To check the professional tax paid, you can follow these steps:

  • Professional tax is levied and managed by the State Governments in India. Each state has its website where you can check professional tax-related information. You can find the website for your state government by searching online.

  • Once you are on the state government's website, look for the section related to professional tax. It may be under the "Tax" or "Revenue" section.

  • Some state government websites require you to create an account and log in to access your professional tax information. If you already have an account, log in using your credentials. If not, you may need to register and create an account.

  • After logging in, navigate to the section where you can view your professional tax payment history. This section may be labeled as "Payment History", "Tax Paid", or similar.

  • You may need to enter details such as your professional tax registration number, assessment year, or other identifying information to access your payment history.

  • Once you have entered the required information, you should be able to view details of the professional tax payments you have made, including the amount paid, the date of payment, and any other relevant information.

I hope you get an idea of how to check my professional tax status online.

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Before sharing with you how to check professional tax paid, let me share with you what is professional tax. In every state the Government levies a tax on professionals based on their income. This tax is deducted from both Government employees and employees working for a private organisation. 

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So, how to know if your professional tax has been paid? Generally, you will get a salary slip after you receive your salary. In this salary slip, there is always a mention of the amount deducted as professional tax. So, this is how you can know if your professional tax has been paid. 

But the problem arises when you have to pay the professional tax on your own. If this is the case with you, I will share a procedure.

How to check professional tax paid or not?

I will share the process of how to pay professional tax in Maharashtra so that you can understand if your professional tax is paid or not.

  1. Visit the Mahavat website and tap on the e-payment link.

  2. Login to the portal using your TIN number and choose e-payment.

  3. You will be able to see MTR Form No.6 and it will contain all your information.

  4. Choose the type of e-payment.

  5. If you are filing the tax on behalf of your employees choose ‘Form ID VIII’ if this doesn't apply to you choose ‘other’ and fill in the appropriate remark from the dropdown menu.

  6. Hit on submit after filling out the form and pay your professional tax to complete the transaction.

  7. As proof, you will receive a receipt and that’s how you will know that you have paid your professional tax.

These are the processes you can follow to understand how to check professional tax paid. 

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professional tax


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professional tax


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