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How To Choose Soft Close Hinges?

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2 Year


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I got really annoyed when my brother left my room banging the door and I really scolded him hard but he completely denied that he had banged it. Last time my mother too left the room banging the door but when asked, she said that it is the hinge that is banging the door. And of course I had to apologise to my brother and also ask my father to replace the current hinges and install soft close door hinges. We have door hinges installed in every room so that the cool air from ACs does not pass through them but the noise they are creating is really annoying. My father knows how to install them so it was quite easy for us. 

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How to choose soft close hinges?

Installing hinges is not a tough work but choosing them is. There are a few methods that can help you to select which ones will suit you like:

  • To select the size of the hinges, you need to check the diameter of the hole in the door where the current hinges are installed which might usually be 26mm/35mm/40mm so go to the shop and ask them which hinges will fit in the best

  • One hinge will be required for every 30 inches of door height

  • 2 hinges will be needed for door up to 38” and 15 pounds

  • 3 hinges for doors between 38-60” and 15-30 pounds

  • 4 hinges for doors 60-90” and 30-45 pounds


Are soft close cabinet hinges worth it?

Cabinets often make hard sounds and can disturb your calm mind. Hence install soft hinges which may take a little bit more time but will make no sound and the cabinet door will get closed automatically making hinges worth opting for.

I hope these points have helped you to know how to choose soft close door hinges


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