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How To Clean Closet Doors?

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0 2024-09-16T09:14:55+00:00

I have a wooden composite framed closet door. While installing this door frame, I was suggested by the contractor that wooden and composite frames should never be submerged in water. On enquiring him about how to clean closet doors, he provided me with a few steps that I usually follow on every weekend to avoid the accumulation of dust. I will be happy to share the cleaning regime with you all.

How to Clean Closet Door Tracks?

The renovation contractor said that panels and frames that absorb moisture will deform. The lifespan of your wood and composite closet doors can be extended by occasional painting and/or staining, depending on the humidity level of your house.

The steps that he mentioned to clean the door are as follows,

  • It is best to use a feather duster or a vacuum attachment with a soft brush, to remove all loose dust from the frames, tracks, and panels.

  • He asked me to clean the panels and frames using the dry technique. Just by using a soft, non-abrasive cloth to wipe off the frames and panels once I have cleared them of dust.

  • I was also asked to avoid scrubbing the closet doors. 

You too can follow these steps at least once a week to keep your closet doors clean.

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How to Clean Sliding Door Tracks?

0 2024-01-15T12:01:46+00:00


When it comes to cleaning, closet doors are overlooked most of the time. Though these are pretty easy to clean but they seem like a hassle whenever the opportunity arises. If you feel the same way, you are not alone, as I am very similar to you. But despite that, I make sure to clean them. So, how to clean closet doors?

At first, I wasn’t aware of what to do, but I did some research, which made cleaning these doors much easier. Here is how you can clean them. 

How To Clean Louvered Wood Closet Doors?

These are the steps that I followed to clean louvered closet doors. 

Step 1:

Take a ruler or a butter knife and warp a cloth or sock over it. You can use anything similar to this. Just avoid sharp things. 

Step 2:

Use a cleaning solution by mixing a small amount of mild washing liquid with lukewarm water. Dip the cloth on this solution to clean the door. 

Step 3: 

Now, insert the cloth into the spaces of the louver door. Be sure to use a bit of force to clean it.

Step 4:

Use a brush to clean the corners, as these might be hard to reach. 

Step 5: 

Repeat all the steps for the whole door. 

And that is how to clean louvered closet doors. I hope your queries about how to clean closet doors have been answered. 

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