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How to Clean Corian Countertops?

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After a family dinner, my Corian countertop was covered in stubborn food stains. I was struggling with how to clean Corian top effectively. However, with the help of my mother in law I learned a tactic to clean it. I’ll be more than happy to share the cleaning regime that I followed.

How Do You Clean Corian Countertops?

My mom in law suggested me to use vinegar to clean my Corian countertop. Vinegar serves to lighten stains. As white vinegar's acidity does not damage Corian countertops, it is the best option for cleaning Corian surfaces. The steps that needs to be followed are,

  • Fill a spray bottle with vinegar: In a spray bottle, combine equal parts white vinegar and warm water. 

  • Apply the Vinegar: Directly mist Corian countertops with the vinegar solution. Allow the vinegar solution to sit for a few minutes, concentrating on areas that are heavily discoloured. Add some baking soda to the vinegar solution and allow it to react with the acids for a more potent stain remover. 

  • Wipe dry: After allowing the solution to sit for five to ten minutes, remove the cleaning solution with a cloth (such a microfibre cloth) dipped in warm water. The countertop surface can then be wiped dry with a dry microfibre cloth. 

This is all about how to clean Corian countertops. I hope this helps!

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