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How to Clean Fingerprints Off TV Screen?

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Having a toddler in your house comes with substantial challenges every time. My daughter sees a cartoon on TV and in the process of grabbing Dora’s pancake, she ends up touching the TV with her dal-stained hands hence leaving our TV screen dirty and with her fingerprints. I wasn’t sure how to clean fingerprints off TV screen? I instantly called my mother, and she shared her instructions for cleaning fingerprints off the television. Cleaning fingerprints off the TV is a simple process which I am sharing below.

How to Clean Fingerprints Off a Flat Screen TV?

This is how I clean handprints off a flat screen TV by the following process.

  • I cleaned my hands before touching the screen and unplugged the TV to avoid permanent damage from water or heat.

  • I then gently wiped the screen with dry anti-static cloth to remove dust and fingerprints. My mother said you can also use a microfiber towel or flannel shirt if you don’t want to use water.

  • As per my mother’s instructions, I dampened a clean cloth with water and removed excess water. 

  • Then I wiped the screen gently. My mother strictly advised me to not use window cleaners, or soap.

  • After I cleaned the screen, my mother asked me to let the screen dry completely for at least 1 hour before plugging the TV back in.

Another method which I came across while researching how do I clean fingerprints off my TV was using equal parts of isopropyl alcohol or water and vinegar solution and keeping the rest process the same.

I hope this helps and now you know how to clean handprints off a flat screen TV.

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