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How to Clean Inalsa Chimney?

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Hey there. I have an Inalsa chimney at my home and know how to clean Inalsa chimney. I make it a point to clean it every once in a while to avoid grease deposits. Let me tell you, I have an auto-clean chimney, so I simply press the auto clean button and let the chimney do its job. It then shuts off automatically. However, if yours doesn\'t have this feature, you can use vinegar or baking soda. I will share the methods below.

What is the Method for Inalsa Chimney Cleaning?

Here are the ways you can follow to clean your chimney:


  1. Take a pot of water and keep it in high heat. 

  2. Once the water boils, add 1 cup of vinegar and turn off the heat.

  3. Dip the chimney plates in the boiling water and let them soak for around half an hour.

  4. Take an old toothbrush and scrub the plates with it. 

  5. Once all the grease is removed, clean the chimney plates using a soap solution. Wipe clean with a soft cloth.

Baking Soda

  1. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl. Then, add some warm water to the bowl and mix.

  2. The formed paste should have the consistency of a thick slurry. 

  3. Apply the paste over the plates and keep them aside for 45 minutes.

  4. Take a cleaning scrub and use it on the plates.

  5. Use a clean cloth to wipe.

This is all I have to share. I hope you now know how to auto clean Inalsa chimney.

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