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How to clean PureIt Water Purifier?

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I didn't think much about regular maintenance when I first installed and used my Pureit Water Purifier. But after a while, I noticed the water quality was not as good as before. It led me to think about how to clean pure It water filter. I did research, but it wasn’t my cup of tea, so I called up a technician. I watched the steps he performed, and it was a simple process. All I needed was dish soap and water. I am mentioning the detailed process below for you.

How to Clean Pureit Water Purifier?

I got to see how easy it can be to clean it properly and extend its lifespan, but it requires attention to detail. Here's what the professional did:

  • He first turned off the power supply of the purifier. This is essential for safety.

  • The technician then carefully detached the tank from the purifier and emptied any remaining water.

  • He filled the tank with water and a small amount of dish soap. Following this, he used a soft brush to scrub off any dirt. 

  • He rinsed the tank thoroughly and removed the sediment filter and pre-RO carbon filter.

  • Following that, he rinsed them under running water.

  • After that, I observed he used the Pureit cleaning kit and mixed the cleaning solution.

  • He also soaked the RO membrane for 15 minutes and rinsed them.

  • Finally, he put everything back into place.

I hope this helps you understand how to clean Pureit classic water purifier.

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How to Clean Pre Filter of Water Purifier

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