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How to Clean Shower Head?

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0 2024-08-23T10:51:46+00:00

Wondering how to clean shower head at home? Cleaning of shower head is very essential. If deep cleaning of the shower head is done, then the grime and dirt would be removed easily and this will make further maintenance of the shower head easier. The shower head is also a place where mould and other bacteria can thrive so it must get cleaned properly.

How to Clean Bathroom Shower Head?

We will learn how to clean a shower head at home using a bathroom cleaner. Here is the step-by-step process on how to clean a bathroom shower head. 

  1. Before you begin, make sure the area in which you are cleaning your shower head has lots of ventilation available.

  2. Unscrew the shower head and then shake off the excess water.

  3. Take your bathroom cleaner and spray/apply it to the shower head and then leave the shower head for one minute.

  4. Take a sponge and scrub gently so that the shower nozzles are not damaged.

  5. Rinse the shower head with water and then screw the shower head back into position. Make sure all the remnants of the bathroom cleaner are washed away.

  6. Remember to check small hidden areas of the shower head. Ensure that you rest the shower head for more than one minute after applying the bathroom cleaner on it. 

I hope this answer gives you a good idea of how to clean shower head holes using a bathroom cleaner. Follow this simple process to achieve the best results.

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Shower heads can get blocked for a number of reasons, like mineral deposition due to hard water or the accumulation of metal components, as was in our case. I had an idea about how do you clean a shower head. It was very effective so let me share it here for your reference.

How can I Clean a Shower Head?

There are many ways to clean a shower head but I use vinegar and soda paste to get rid of the blockages. Here is how do I clean a shower head that you can follow:

  • First, you will need to unscrew the shower head from the water pipe using pliers or a wrench

  • Then apply a thick paste of vinegar and soda on it and let it soak for at least an hour

  • After soaking, use an old toothbrush or a small brush to scrub away loosened mineral deposits

  • Rinse the shower head with water to remove vinegar residue and dislodged particles

  • Look in the nozzles for any remaining debris. If needed, repeat the soaking and scrubbing process

  • Screw the clean shower head back onto the water pipe and check whether it is working fine or not

This is a simple way how to clean holes in shower head. You can also use Harpic to clean the shower head holes or other cleaning solutions. Just make sure not to use a very hard or acidic solution, as it may damage the item.

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How do you remove limescale from a shower head?

Many holes in my shower head were jammed because of the hard water problem in my locality. I was wondering how to clean shower head myself at home. I researched a bit and realised it wasn’t that difficult. Let me share what I did in detail here.

How to clean shower head at home?

  • Remove the shower head 

  • Rinse it thoroughly under water. This will help get rid of loosened debris

  • Now take an old toothbrush and dishwash soap and scrub off the nozzles properly.

  • Rinse the shower head again

  • For deeper cleaning, you should use a toothpick to get rid of debris from the holes or nozzles in the shower head.

  • Attach the shower head back and it should work just fine now. This should help you know

    how to remove sediment from shower head.

How much water does a low flow shower head save?

You will be shocked to know that a low flow shower head can save up to 10000 litres of water per day. Normally, a shower if run for 10 minutes consumes approximately 38 litres of water. So you can imagine how much water a low flow shower head can save.

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