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How to Clean Stained Concrete Patio?

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Cleaning a dirty patio is really tough, so what I do is clean them once every month. Hence, I can help you with some homely methods on how to clean stained concrete patio. You can use vinegar and baking soda for hard stains and dish soap and a lukewarm water solution for basic cleaning. I usually opt for the second one, and it is effective every single time. You can learn about the process in brief next.

How to Remove Stains From Concrete Patio?

There are many ways that you can implement to clean a concrete patio, and they are:

  • Dish soap and water: If you feel that a soft solution will be enough to clean your stained concrete patio, try using dish soap and a lukewarm water solution. Just spray the solution on the stained surfaces, rub it with a brush, wash it with clean water, and it will be clean.

  • Vinegar and baking soda: For hard stains, make a paste of vinegar and baking soda, apply it on the stained area, rub it with a brush and finally wipe it with a clean cloth to get rid of the stains in minutes.

  • Bleach and water solution: You can even use bleach and water solution to clean stains on the patio. Just make sure not to use excessive amounts of bleach or it may fade the area.

These are some effective ways that I can suggest on how to remove stains on concrete patio. I hope you will be happy with the result.

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