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How to Clean Tiles at Home?

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0 2024-09-13T15:01:59+00:00

Hi, Buddy. Cleaning tiles is an important part of the household. I have vitrified tiles at my home and they need to be cleaned from time to time. A few months ago, I researched how to clean tiles at home and came across some home remedies like salt scrub and mouthwash solution. I found that these hacks can clean my tiles easily and give them a shiny finish,

How to Clean Floor Tiles at Home?

Here are some remedies that I came across to clean vitrified floor tiles:

Salt Scrub

I came to learn that a salt scrub serves as an effective medium to clean tiles and grout. To use this, you need to follow the below tips:

  • Wet the affected tiles and rub them with a damp cloth. 

  • Then a good amount of salt has to be sprinkled on the tile. 

  • To get the salt into the grout lines you can use a scrub brush. 

  • You need to let it rest overnight.  

  • Then the area has to be cleaned with water the next day to wash the salt away. 

This way salt helps keep away bacteria and moulds.

Mouthwash Solution

Mouthwash solution can work wonders on tiled floors as it kills all germs and bacteria. This solution has a powerful smell and can disinfect the floor nicely. While the mouthwash solution works for tiles it should not be used on wooden floors because the floor could be affected due to the alcohol content in the mouthwash.

I finally use salt scrub for cleaning vitrified tiles at my home. Moreover, if you want to do the cleaning regularly, you can follow the steps mentioned by Monica Kumari.

With these tips I hope you have understood how to professionally clean tile floors sitting at the comfort of your home.

Get your Tiles Cleaned at Affordable Rate by NoBroker Expert Cleaners

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4 2024-06-18T08:43:58+00:00

Hello Dona. I made the decision to clean my kitchen's tiles myself because there was a buildup of grime. Hence, I researched how to clean tiles at home and came across the easiest hacks. I discovered that a paste made of baking soda and water works well for cleaning dirty grout on tiles.

How to Clean Tiles Floor at Home?

Maintaining the cleanliness of your tiles is essential for both hygienic reasons and aesthetic appeal. Effective tile cleaning can be accomplished at home in a number of ways. Some of the techniques have already been mentioned by Pallavi Kumari and Mohhamad P. I will share the simplest hacks with you now:

  • First, give the tile a thorough sweep.

  • Make a paste now by mixing water and baking soda.

  • Using a toothbrush or grout brush, carefully scrub it into the grout.

  • After rinsing with warm water, let it air dry.

  • Use a white or pink pencil rubber and try cleaning up small grout stains, much like you would erase a mistake on paper.

  • For tough stains, scrub the grout lines with a toothbrush or sponge and apply a grout cleanser or a mixture of 3/4 water and 1/4 bleach. Then, rinse with warm water. Remember not to put bleach directly on the tile.

By following these steps, I got my kitchen tiles cleaned easily. I hope this helps you get an idea of how to clean dirty tiles at home.

Say Goodbye to Dirt and Get Sparkling Tiles with NoBroker Premium Cleaning Service. Read more -

How to Clean Vitrified Tiles at Home?

0 2023-11-03T11:44:53+00:00

Hello. I have tiled flooring at my house, and a lot of dirt accumulated over them in the past few months. The flooring started to look pretty ugly, and we wanted to remove the dirt with a DIY method. After some research, we found a good one, which thankfully worked for us. So, let me share the process for you to learn how to clean tiles floor at home. 

How to Clean Floor Tiles at Home?

Here is a stepwise guide to clean your floor tiles at home.

  1. In this process, I will be sharing the cleaning method for ceramic and porcelain tiles. So, to begin with, clean the floor tiles with the help of a vacuum cleaner or a broom with soft bristles. This will help in removing loose dirt. 

  2. Now, make a cleaning solution by adding ¼ cup of mild detergent to water in a bucket. 

  3. Take a microfibre cloth and immerse it in the prepared solution. Twist it to remove excess water after the dip. It is now time to wipe the surface well and clean the floor tiles.

  4. Once done, throw away the solution and rinse the tiles with fresh batches of water at least thrice. I would advise you to use a new cloth for this step.

  5. Lastly, use a dry cloth and wipe it over the tiles to speed up the drying process and also prevent the formation of water spots.

This is the best way to clean floor tiles at home. I hope my explanation will help you.

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Hello there, pal.

Tiles in our houses are often coated in dust, grime, bacteria, and other potentially hazardous substances. We've all seen the advertisement for Dettol, which claims to kill 99.9% of germs. I'm going to provide you some cleaning ideas to know how to clean tiles at home. In my house, I utilise this technique on a regular basis, and they're really effective.

Get an amazing deep cleaning service from NoBroker home cleaning service. How to clean tiles:
  • Sweeping and mopping:

The first step in getting clean tiles is to clean them with a broom and then wipe down the area with a towel soaked in disinfectant. For a clean floor, this is an essential step.

  • Make a DIY Cleaning Solution

Using warm water, cup vinegar and teaspoon dish soap, learn how to clean tile floors. This is a fantastic cleaning product


To be honest, no matter what we do, our cleaning services don't come close to professional cleaning services.

How to clean tiles at home in hindi?
  • झाड़ू पोछा:

साफ टाइलों को प्राप्त करने में पहला कदम उन्हें झाड़ू से साफ करना है और फिर क्षेत्र को कीटाणुनाशक से लथपथ तौलिये से पोंछना है। एक साफ मंजिल के लिए, यह एक जरूरी कदम है

  • एक DIY सफाई समाधान बनाएं

टाइल फर्श को साफ करने का तरीका जानने के लिए गर्म पानी, आधा कप सिरका और आधा चम्मच डिश सोप का उपयोग करना। यह एक बहुत ही प्रभावी सफाई उत्पाद है

  • पेशेवर:

सच कहूं तो, हम चाहे कुछ भी करें, हमारी सफाई सेवाएं पेशेवर सफाई सेवाओं के करीब नहीं आती हैं

I now conclude my answer on how to clean tiles at home. Do follow these steps and leave a comment if you like any of the above mentioned steps.

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