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How To Close PNB Bank Account?

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0 2024-10-01T10:15:42+00:00

If you are planning to close your PNB bank account through an online method then stop. PNB does not allow you to close your bank account without visiting the branch. I tried to do it online and for that, I scoured the internet but there was nothing. I called my PNB home branch and asked them how to close PNB bank account. The executive told me about the steps, which I have mentioned below. 

How to Close Punjab National Bank Account?

As I mentioned above, PNB doesn’t allow us to close our bank account online. The executive also told me to empty my bank account before the closure. Now, here are the steps that I followed to close my account with the bank. 

  • As per the instructions of the bank employee, I downloaded the

    Account Closure form

    from the website of the bank. 

  • Filled it out and visited the necessary information such as the account holder's name, the reason for closure, etc. 

  • Next, I submitted this form and all the other items such as the passbook, debit card, etc. 

And that’s how to close PNB bank account. The executive also told me that, I have to pay a certain fee if my bank account is being closed after 14 days but within 12 months of opening. I have added those fees below. 



Current Accounts

Rs. 800

RD Accounts

Rs. 100

Savings Bank account

Rs. 300

And that’s about it. Hope this helps.

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How to Apply Personal Loan in PNB?

0 2022-09-09T10:30:11+00:00

My father had an account in the Punjab National Bank or PNB but due to some reasons he decided to close it. I thought it could be closed online only but to my surprise I couldn’t find an online process to do it. I called the bank’s customer care service and asked them how to close PNB bank account online? Unfortunately they said it cannot be done. One needs to visit the bank and close their account.

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How to close PNB account offline?

Since the account could not be closed online, my father visited the bank and asked them how to do it. They made sure that no amount was there in the bank and if someone has any amount in their account, they need to withdraw all the money. All you need to do is

  • Fill up the Account Closure form which you can also get on their official website



  • Enter all the details like name, account number, PAN number and more

  • Withdraw the money if any

  • You will need to submit this form, you ID proof, address proof, passbook, debit card to the bank

They also take some account closing charges if there is negative balance and that is all.


This is all I have to say to answer your query how to close PNB bank account

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